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General (CIFOR)
Version 2.8
File Citation
PEN, 2016, "CIFOR's Poverty and Environment Network (PEN) global dataset",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V2; [fileName], UNF:6:cvQWUNToK+M7hwO//VYwgw== [fileUNF]

This file is part of "CIFOR's Poverty and Environment Network (PEN) global dataset".

Dataset Citation
PEN, 2016, "CIFOR's Poverty and Environment Network (PEN) global dataset",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V2
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DataVillage survey
25.3 KB
The first village survey – village infrastructure. This file provides information on access to electricity, tap water, financial institutions, usable roads, river access, and location and means of transport to district markets for participants in the first village survey (V1). Variables: Site ID; Village ID; How many households in the village have access to electricity (from public or private); How many households in the village have access to (= use) piped tap water; How many households have access to formal credit (government or private bank); Are informal credit institutions such as savings clubs and money lenders present; Is there a health centre in the village; Does the village have at least one road useable by cars during all seasons; Distance in kilometres to the nearest road useable during all seasons; Is there are river within the village boundaries that is navigable during all seasons; Distance in kilometres to the nearest market for major consumption goods; Distance in kilometres to the nearest market where agricultural products are sold; Most common means of transport to where the agricultural products are sold; Distance in minutes to the nearest market where agricultural products are sold; Most common means of transport to nearest market where agricultural products are sold; Distance in kilometres to the nearest district market where forest products are sold; Distance in minutes to the nearest district market where forest products are sold; Most common means of transport to nearest district market where forest products are sold
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