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The Sustainable Wetlands Adaptation and Mitigation Program (SWAMP) is a collaborative effort by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and the USDA Forest Service (USFS) with support from the US Agency for International Development (USAID).
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1 to 10 of 173 Results
Mar 4, 2016 - General
van Lent, J.; Hergoualc'h, K.; Verchot, L.V., 2016, "Replication Data for: Supplement of Reviews and syntheses: Soil N2O and NO emissions from land use and land-use change in the tropics and subtropics: a meta-analysis",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V1
Dataset of land use (LU) and Land Use Change (LUC) from the 102 studies located in the tropics and subtropics and 279 peer-reviewed studies published between 1990-2013 on soils emission of NO and/or N2O in the tropics.
May 10, 2016
Nam, V.N.; Sasmito, S.D.; Murdiyarso, D.; Purbopuspito, J.; MacKenzie, R.A., 2016, "Carbon stocks in artificially and naturally regenerated mangrove ecosystems in the Mekong Delta",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V1
Dataset of Carbon stocks in artificially and naturally regenerated mangrove ecosystems in the Mekong Delta
Aug 3, 2016
SWAMP, 2016, "Tropical and Subtropical Histosol Distribution",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V3
This dataset shows global distribution of histosols that covers the tropics and sub tropics (38° N to 56° S; 161° E to 117° W), excluding small islands. It was mapped in 236 meters spatial resolution by combining a hydrological model and annual time series of satellite-derived es...
Aug 3, 2016
SWAMP, 2016, "Tropical and Subtropical Wetland Distribution",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V5
This dataset shows a distribution of wetland that covers the tropics and sub tropics (38° N to 56° S; 161° E to 117° W), excluding small islands. It was mapped in 236 meters spatial resolution by combining a hydrological model and annual time series of satellite-derived estimates...
Mar 25, 2017
Gumbricht, T., 2017, "Tropical Wetlands Initiative For Climate Adaption And Mitigation",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V2
The core of the data set is composed of products from the Moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor. A range of pre-defined products derived from the MODIS sensors are available over the internet with free FTP access. All MODIS products are delivered in a pre-d...
Oct 10, 2017 - Database of tropical wetlands carbon survey: Greenhouse Gasses (GHGs)
Hergoualc'h, K; Hendry, D.T.; Murdiyarso, D.; Verchot, L.V., 2017, "Replication Data for: Spatio-temporal measurements data. Biogeochemistry 135 (3): 203-220",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V2, UNF:6:B0bJxZ8850UV5a0i1hBTnA== [fileUNF]
The supporting information contains three databases. The first one (DBCollar) presents data collected monthly and/or daily at each respiration collar. The second one (DBSoilMoisture) presents data collected monthly for bulk density, soil moisture and WFPS detemination. The third...
Jan 25, 2018
Murdiyarso, D.; Purbopuspito, J.; Kauffman, J.B.; Warren, M.W.; Sasmito, S.D.; Donato, D.C.; Manuri, S.; Krisnawati, H.; Taberina, S.; Kurnianto, S., 2016, "The potential of Indonesian mangrove forests for global climate change mitigation",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V2
Dataset of The potential of Indonesian mangrove forests for global climate change mitigation
Oct 3, 2018
The compilation datasets of greenhouse gasses (GHGs) including CO2, CH4, and N2O fluxes collected from tropical wetland ecosystems including mangrove and peatland. It is produced and compiled by SWAMP's researchers between 2009 and 2019.
Oct 3, 2018
The compilation datasets of vegetation structure, biomass, and carbon stocks collected from tropical wetland ecosystems including mangrove and peatland. It is produced and compiled by SWAMP's researchers between 2009 and 2019.
Oct 3, 2018
The compilation datasets of soil physicochemical properties collected from tropical wetland ecosystems including mangrove and peatland. It is produced and compiled by SWAMP's researchers between 2009 and 2019.
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