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1 to 10 of 19 Results
Oct 12, 2021 - General
Sheil, D.; Boissiere, M.; van Heist, M.; Basuki, I.; Frazier, S.; Ginting, U.; Wan, M.; Hariadi, H.; Kristianto, H. D.; Bemei, J.; Huraway, R.; Marien, E. R. Ch.; Koibur, D. P. H.; Watopa, Y.; Rachman, I.; Liswanti, N., 2021, "Multidisciplinary Landscape Assessment Papua",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V1
The dataset contains information about the type and description of the forests, the biodiversity of vegetation and the plant uses for local people. The data collected on 2004 in Kwerba & Papasena, Papua, Indonesia.
Mar 11, 2020 - Database of Vegetation map
Laumonier, Y.; Hadi, D.P.; Setiabudi; Pribadi, U.A.; Narulita, S., 2020, "Kapuas Hulu Ecological Vegetation Map 1:50 000",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V2
The Center International for Research on Agronomy and Development (CIRAD) in partnership with the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) completed extensive research on participatory landscape management and produced large-scale ecological vegetation maps for the Kapu...
Sep 3, 2019 - General
Pirard, R., 2016, "Policy network analysis of sustainable palm oil in Indonesia",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V2, UNF:6:vv9tXVWfw6pkGgzrIbNHWw== [fileUNF]
Database of PNA survey about sustainable palm oil with 59 institution in 2016.
Mar 14, 2019 - General
Ekowati, D.; Hofstee, C., 2016, "Replication Data for: Motivation matters: Lessons for REDD+ participatory measurement, reporting and verification from three decades of child health participatory monitoring in Indonesia",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V4
The data collected from PMRV Governance Team - Health Sector's field research in 2013-2014 on Posyandu information flow from village to national level; conducted in Papua, West Kalimantan and Central Java Provinces
Mar 7, 2019 - Forest Spatial Information Catalog (FSIC)
Okarda, B.; Manalu, P., 2018, "Oil Palm Mills Database",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V3
The dataset is palm oil mills location in Indonesia. The mills list of name was compiled from supply chain document on traceability report of major palm oil processor in Indonesia (Musim Mas, GAR, Asian Agri, and Wilmar). The location of mills was gathered from self-reported docu...
Sep 19, 2018 - General
Schoneveld, G.; Andrianto, A.; Ekowati, D.; Okarda, B.; Komarudin, H.; Jelsma, I.; Muchlish, U., 2018, "GOLS: Independent oil palm smallholders in West and Central Kalimantan",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V2, UNF:6:ebgiueMXLtyUprIIvOH0mw== [fileUNF]
Dataset consist of data to identify productivity and sustainability challenges associated with the expansion of independent oil palm smallholders in West and Central Kalimantan. Nine sub-districts across the two regencies of Kotawaringin Barat and Pulang Pisau in Central Kalimant...
Nov 13, 2017 - The Development of Forest Management Units (Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan, KPH)
Resosudarmo. I.A.P.; Utomo, N.A., 2017, "Surveys at village level of Forest Management Units (Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan, KPH)",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V1, UNF:6:vEUJksupqQTJLgkdYwdCBQ== [fileUNF]
This dataset is about surveys at village level, a mix group of villagers.Some questions in the questionnaire, such as the demographic and village infrastructure sections were only solicited to key informants knowledgeable about the village. Information about land use, livelihoods...
Nov 13, 2017 - The Development of Forest Management Units (Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan, KPH)
Resosudarmo. I.A.P.; Utomo, N.A., 2017, "Surveys at village level with women-only groups",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V1, UNF:6:dxZIOlDZvdSrvXbxlcBSrw== [fileUNF]
This dataset is about surveys at village level, with women-only groups.Some questions in the questionnaire, such as the demographic and village infrastructure sections were only solicited to key informants knowledgeable about the village. Information about land use, livelihoods,...
Oct 26, 2017 - The Development of Forest Management Units (Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan, KPH)
Resosudarmo, I.A.P.; Utomo, N.A., 2017, "Interview transcript of semi-structured interviews with key informants and/or stakeholders.",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V1
Semi-structured interviews were conducted with key informants that included national, provincial and district government officials, district legislative council, KPH officials, village leaders, and NGOs. Questions posed included interviewee’s understanding of KPH, KPH’s state of...
Oct 25, 2017 - General
Liswanti, N.; Shantiko, B., 2017, "Collaborative Land Use Planning and Sustainable Institutional Arrangements for Strengthening Land Tenure, Forest and Community Rights in Indonesia (CoLUPSIA) - Data on Livelihoods: Kapuas Hulu",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V1
The European Union funded Collaborative Land Use Planning and Sustainable Institutional Arrangements project is being implemented by the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (Centre de cooperation internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Develo...
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