Mar 1, 2016 -
Replication Data for: Carbon accumulation of tropical peatlands over millennia: a modelling approach
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Same as Figure 1 with the rainfall data from La Nina years. Clusters are P9-P12. |
Mar 1, 2016 -
Replication Data for: Carbon accumulation of tropical peatlands over millennia: a modelling approach
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Mean monthly precipitation of each group derived by the cluster analysis (see Figures S1 to ÂS3) for El Nino (top), normal (middle), and La Nina (bottom) conditions. Values in the legends represent the probability for every rainfall group within the broad El Nino, normal, and La... |
Mar 1, 2016 -
Replication Data for: Carbon accumulation of tropical peatlands over millennia: a modelling approach
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Cluster analysis of 20th century rainfall in El Nino, normal, and La Nina classes. |
Feb 29, 2016