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Sep 10, 2021
Hergoualc'h, K., 2021, "Replication data of: Hergoualc'h et al. (2021) Improved accuracy and reduced uncertainty in greenhouse gas inventories by refining the IPCC emission factor for direct N2O emissions from nitrogen inputs to managed soils",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V1
The supporting information contains a database presenting individual EF1 observations and associated variables related to climate, management practices, land cover, and edaphic properties in the topsoil, and a database of references Individual observations of EF1 emission factors...
Apr 19, 2018 - General
Huong, N.; Herbohn, J.; Clendenning, J.; Meadows, J., 2018, "Replication Data for: Available Evidence to Guide the Design of Mixed-Species Forest Plantings for Smallholder and Community Forestry",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V1, UNF:6:mq/k6LUUuboz91QutksG4Q== [fileUNF]
To investigate the question, “ What is the available evidence for the relative performance of different designs of mixed-species plantings for smallholder and community forestry in the tropics”, a systematically search on studies related to mixed species plantings across tropical...
Mar 6, 2019 - General
Ojanen, M., 2018, "Property rights to natural resources",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V2, UNF:6:DHJgIfUjweqvC9sEzkZc3Q== [fileUNF]
Property rights to natural resources comprise a major policy instrument for those seeking to advance sustainable resource use and conservation. Despite decades of policy experimentation and empirical research, systematic understanding of the influence of different property rights...
Nov 10, 2021
Atmadja, S.; Satwika, A.; Guariguata, M., 2021, "Dataset from a systematic literature review on “Planning for successful forest landscape restoration: a preliminary analysis on evidence gaps”",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V1
Our analysis aims to describe how much scientific evidence is available to support forest landscape restoration (FLR) practice, focusing on key success factors listed in the Restoration Diagnostic (Hanson et al. 2015, We defin...
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