Sep 10, 2021
Hergoualc'h, K., 2021, "Replication data of: Hergoualc'h et al. (2021) Improved accuracy and reduced uncertainty in greenhouse gas inventories by refining the IPCC emission factor for direct N2O emissions from nitrogen inputs to managed soils",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V1
The supporting information contains a database presenting individual EF1 observations and associated variables related to climate, management practices, land cover, and edaphic properties in the topsoil, and a database of references Individual observations of EF1 emission factors... |
Jul 26, 2021 - Global Comparative Study on REDD+
Atmadja, S.; Selviana, V.; Komalasari, M., 2021, "Replication Data for: International dataset on REDD+ projects 2020 with supplementary data on carbon accounting",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V1
The dataset was developed in 2021 by combining two sources of data: (1) selected variables from publicly available data in the international REDD+ project database v.4.1 (ID-RECCO), available from (Simonet G., Atmadja, S., Agrawal A., Bénédet F., Cromberg... |
Jul 7, 2021
Larson, A.M.; Sarmiento Barletti, J.P.; Cisneros, N.; Gonzales, J.; Rizek, M.; Huamán, A.; Palacios, D.; Londres, M; Tamara, A.; Arwida, S.; Liswanti, N.; Ramadian, A.; Yami, M; Heise, N., 2021, "Data from research in 13 subnational and 1 national multi-stakeholder forums (MSFs) in Brazil, Ethiopia, Indonesia and Peru (GCS-REDD)",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V1
This data was recorded as part of CIFOR’s GCS-REDD. “Integrating REDD+ with development goals at the landscape level: the role of multi-stakeholder forums in subnational jurisdictions” sought to examine 13 subnational MSFs addressing land and resource-use sustainability in terms... |
May 31, 2021 - Global Comparative Study on REDD+
Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), 2021, "REDD+ Country Profiles Indicators",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V3
The purpose of the country profile is to provide an overview of the contextual conditions that affect the REDD+ policy environment in a specific country, along with a preliminary 3E (effective, efficient and equitable) assessment of the REDD+ proposals for that country. The profi... |
Mar 9, 2021
Coronado, E.H.; Hergoualc’h, K, 2021, "Supporting data of the report Honorio Coronado and Hergoualc’h (2021) Informe sobre los análisis y resultados de las emisiones de CO2 debido a la deforestación y degradación de turberas en la Amazonía peruana",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V1
Supporting data of the report Honorio Coronado and Hergoualc’h (2021) Informe sobre los análisis y resultados de las emisiones de CO2 debido a la deforestación y degradación de turberas en la Amazonía peruana Supporting data of the report on the analysis and results of CO2 emissi... |
Feb 5, 2021 - Database of tropical wetlands carbon survey: Greenhouse Gasses (GHGs)
Novita, N., 2021, "SWAMP Dataset-Peatland Greenhouse Gasses-Tanjung Puting-2015",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V1, UNF:6:gSriFRMzLd2SP/06LcpKjA== [fileUNF]
The dataset of Peatland Greenhouse Gasses collected from tropical peat swamp forests in Tanjung Puting, Indonesia. |
Feb 5, 2021 - Database of tropical wetlands carbon survey: Greenhouse Gasses (GHGs)
Saragi-Sasmito, M. F.; Murdiyarso, D; June, T.; Austin, K.G, 2021, "SWAMP Dataset-Peatland Greenhouse Gasses-Katingan-2015",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V1, UNF:6:9/afSnpS1MjHwDS69qP6og== [fileUNF]
The dataset of Peatland Greenhouse Gasses collected from tropical peat swamp forests in Katingan, Indonesia. |
Dec 3, 2020 - General
Reed, J.; Oldekop, J.; Barlow, J; Carmenta, R.; Geldmann, J.; Ickowitz, A.; Narulita, S.; Rahman, S.A.; van Vianen, J.; Yanou, M.; Sunderland, T.C.H., 2020, "Financial flows dataset",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V1
We collated financial flow data from publicly available data sources of the World Bank to determine the extent and distribution of funding for joint conservation and development |
Nov 17, 2020
Hergoualc'h, K., 2020, "Replication Data for: The manuscript Dezzeo et al. (2021) Fine root carbon stocks and dynamics along a degradation gradient of palm swamp forest in a Peruvian Amazon peatland",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V1
Temporal replicate data of measurements published in Dezzeo et al. (2021) Fine root carbon stocks and dynamics along a degradation gradient of palm swamp forest in a Peruvian Amazon peatland. Submitted to Ecosystems for review. Data collected in Iquitos, Peru, to evaluate fine ro... |
Nov 11, 2020
Individuals searching results of published literature base on several topics from bibliographic indexes. |