Mar 3, 2016 - General
Boissiere, M., 2016, "PMRV Database",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V1
The Participatory Measurement, Reporting and Verification (PMRV) project collected social, health and forestry data and information from the field. The teams also gathered GPS points, and described and took photographs of each point during ground checks. The data forms from the f... |
Mar 3, 2016 - General
Russell, A.J.M.; Abwoli, B.; Waiswa, D.; Balikoowa, K.; Bomuhangi, A., 2016, "AdaptEA: Adaptation of people to climate change in East Africa: Ecosystem services, risk reduction and human well-being (Uganda IFRI & PEN data)",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V1
Climate change will challenge the resilience of both agriculture-based livelihoods and natural resource management regimes in East Africa in myriad ways. A major challenge is to reduce the vulnerability of people and climate-sensitive sectors, including water, agriculture, and en... |
Mar 3, 2016 - General
MLA - Multidisciplinary Landscape Assessment, 2016, "Multidisciplinary Landscape Assessment",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V1
The characteristics of forested landscapes are usually critical to their inhabitants, but the significance of these relationships is largely hidden from the outsider. The challenge is to understand what aspects of the landscape local people care about, why they matter and how muc... |
Mar 2, 2016 - General
Rantala, S.; Vihemaki, H., 2016, "Integrating Livelihoods and Multiple Biodiversity Values in Landscape Mosaics - Tanzania",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V1
The project, "Integrating Livelihoods and Multiple Biodiversity Values in Landscape Mosaics (or the Landscape Mosaics Project in short)", was the first project of the CIFOR-ICRAF Biodiversity Platform. The project conducted research on socio-economic, governance and biophysical c... |
Mar 2, 2016 - General
Ayat, A.; Feintrenie, L., 2016, "Integrating Livelihoods and Multiple Biodiversity Values in Landscape Mosaics - Indonesia",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V1
The project, "Integrating Livelihoods and Multiple Biodiversity Values in Landscape Mosaics (or the Landscape Mosaics Project in short)", was the first project of the CIFOR-ICRAF Biodiversity Platform. The project conducted research on socio-economic, governance and biophysical c... |
Mar 2, 2016 - General
Pfund, J.L.; Feintrenie, L.; Agustavia, M.; Rolland, I.; Jaloux, A.; Hubert, M., 2016, "Integrating Livelihoods and Multiple Biodiversity Values in Landscape Mosaics",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V1
The project,Integrating Livelihoods and Multiple Biodiversity Values in Landscape Mosaics (or the Landscape Mosaics Project in short), was the first project of the CIFOR-ICRAF Biodiversity Platform. The project conducted research on socio-economic, governance and biophysical char... |
Mar 1, 2016 - General
Angelsen, A.; Jagger, P.; Babigumira, R.; Belcher, B.; Hogarth, N.J., 2016, "Replication Data for: Environmental income and rural livelihoods: a global comparative analysis",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V1
Dataset of Environmental income and rural livelihoods: a global comparative analysis |
Mar 1, 2016 - General
Kurnianto, S.; Warren, M.; Talbot, J.; Kauffman, B.; Murdiyarso, D.; Frolking, S., 2016, "Replication Data for: Carbon accumulation of tropical peatlands over millennia: a modelling approach",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V1
Dataset of Carbon accumulation of tropical peatlands over millennia: a modelling approach |
Feb 29, 2016