Dataset Persistent ID
doi:10.17528/CIFOR/DATA.00092 |
Publication Date
2018-10-03 |
SWAMP Dataset-Mangrove soil carbon-Bintuni-2011
Murdiyarso, D. (Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR))
Purbopuspito, J. (Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR))
Kauffman, J.B. (Oregon State University)
Warren, M.W. (U.S. Forest Service)
Sasmito, S.D. (Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR))
Manuri, S. (Australian National University)
Krisnawati, H. (Forestry Research and Development Agency (FORDA))
Taberima, S. (University of Papua)
Kurnianto, S. (Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR))
Use email button above to contact.
CIFOR-RDM (Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR))
The dataset of soil physicochemical properties collected from mangrove forests in Bintuni, West Papua, Indonesia (2011)
Climate Change, Energy and low carbon development (CCE)
mangrove (GACS)
blue carbon (GACS)
climate change mitigation (GACS)
Related Publication
Murdiyarso, D., Purbopuspito, J., Kauffman, J. B., Warren, M. W., Sasmito, S. D., Donato, D. C., ... & Kurnianto, S. (2015). The potential of Indonesian mangrove forests for global climate change mitigation. Nature Climate Change, 5(12), 1089. doi: 10.1038/nclimate2734
Site name: Bintuni; Site ID: BIN; Sampling year: 2011; Latitude: -2.14275; Longitude: 133.5358056; Country: Indonesia; Land use or cover type: Undisturbed mangrove forest; Area sampled: 5 x 0.5 ha plots; Topography and elevation: flat; Disturbance: less disturbance; Personel trained: ~10 people; Research objective(s): Carbon stocks assessment in tropical mangrove forests; Principal contact (name & email):Daniel Murdiyarso (; Protocol used: Kauffman, J. B., & Donato, D. C. (2012). Protocols for the measurement, monitoring and reporting of structure, biomass, and carbon stocks in mangrove forests. Bogor, Indonesia: CIFOR.; Associated publication: Murdiyarso, D., Purbopuspito, J., Kauffman, J. B., Warren, M. W., Sasmito, S. D., Donato, D. C., ... & Kurnianto, S. (2015). The potential of Indonesian mangrove forests for global climate change mitigation. Nature Climate Change, 5(12), 1089.; Research partner(s): University of Papua, US-Forest Service; Data available: soil depth, bulk density, %C, C density, C stocks; Latest data modification (dd/mm/yyyy): 28/09/2018
Grant Information
Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)
Sasmito, Sigit
Deposit Date
Kind of Data
survey data; other; assesment data; experimental data; measurement data; observation data
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SWAMP Database Management Principles:
Dataset variables