CIFOR's Poverty and Environment Network (PEN) global dataset (ICPSR doi:10.17528/CIFOR/DATA.00021)


Part 1: Document Description
Part 2: Study Description
Part 3: Data Files Description
Part 4: Variable Description
Part 5: Other Study-Related Materials
Entire Codebook

Document Description



CIFOR's Poverty and Environment Network (PEN) global dataset

Identification Number:



Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)

Date of Distribution:




Bibliographic Citation:

PEN, 2016, "CIFOR's Poverty and Environment Network (PEN) global dataset",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V2

Study Description



CIFOR's Poverty and Environment Network (PEN) global dataset

Identification Number:


Authoring Entity:

PEN (Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR))


Center for International Forestry Research

Date of Production:



Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)

Date of Distribution:


Study Scope


Forests and Human Well-being (HWB), forests, poverty, household surveys, household income

Topic Classification:



The PEN network was launched in September 2004 by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) with the aim of collecting uniform socio-economic and environmental data at household and village levels in rural areas of developing countries. The data presented here were collected by 33 PEN partners (mainly PhD students) and comprise 8,301 households in 334 villages located in 24 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Three types of quantitative surveys were conducted: 1. Village surveys (V1, V2) 2. Annual household surveys (A1, A2) 3. Quarterly household surveys (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4) The village surveys (V1-V2) collected data that were common to all or showed little variation among households. The first village survey, V1, was conducted at the beginning of the fieldwork to get background information on the villages while the second survey, V2 was conducted the end of the fieldwork period to get information for the 12 months period covered by the surveys. The household surveys were grouped into two categories: quarterly surveys (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4) to collect income information, and, household surveys (A1, A2) to collect all other household information. A critical feature of the PEN research project was to collect detailed, high-quality data on forest use. This was done through quarterly income household surveys, for two reasons: first, short recall periods increase accuracy and reliability and, second, quarterly data would allow us to document seasonal variation in (forest) income and thus, inter alia, help us understand to what extent forests act as seasonal gap fillers. There are three partners (10101, 10203, and 10301 ) who, because of various particular circumstances, only conducted three of the four income surveys. In addition, 598 of the households missed out on one of the quarterly surveys, e.g., due to temporal absence or sickness, or insecurity in the area. These are still included in the database, while households missing more than one quarter were excluded. Two other household surveys were conducted. The first annual household survey (A1) collected basic household information (demographics, assets, forest-related information) and was done at the beginning of the survey period while the second (A2) collected information for the 12-month period covered by the surveys (e.g., on risk management) and was done at the end of the survey period. Note, however, that we did not collect any systematic data on the time allocation of households: while highly relevant for many analyses, we believed that it would be too time-consuming a component to add to our standard survey questions. The project is further described and discussed in two edited volumes by Angelsen et al. (2011) (describes particular the methods used) and Wunder et al. (2014) (includes six articles based on the PEN project).

Time Period:


Date of Collection:



Bangladesh, Belize, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, China, Congo, the Democratic Republic of the, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Malawi, Mozambique, Nepal, Niger, Pakistan, Senegal, Uganda, Viet Nam, Zambia

Geographic Unit(s):


Kind of Data:

spatial data

Kind of Data:

survey data

Methodology and Processing

File Description--f269


  • Number of cases: 8301

  • No. of variables per record: 15

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f272


  • Number of cases: 50393

  • No. of variables per record: 8

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f268


  • Number of cases: 8301

  • No. of variables per record: 8

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f273


  • Number of cases: 27468

  • No. of variables per record: 9

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f271


  • Number of cases: 8301

  • No. of variables per record: 4

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f274


  • Number of cases: 27765

  • No. of variables per record: 6

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f270


  • Number of cases: 8301

  • No. of variables per record: 12

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f276


  • Number of cases: 8301

  • No. of variables per record: 16

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f275


  • Number of cases: 8300

  • No. of variables per record: 18

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f280


  • Number of cases: 7816

  • No. of variables per record: 12

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f278


  • Number of cases: 8037

  • No. of variables per record: 9

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f277


  • Number of cases: 7816

  • No. of variables per record: 4

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f281


  • Number of cases: 2108

  • No. of variables per record: 6

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f279


  • Number of cases: 7816

  • No. of variables per record: 4

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f284


  • Number of cases: 7815

  • No. of variables per record: 18

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f283


  • Number of cases: 7373

  • No. of variables per record: 13

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f282


  • Number of cases: 7372

  • No. of variables per record: 8

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f303


  • Number of cases: 31338

  • No. of variables per record: 21

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f297


  • Number of cases: 57468

  • No. of variables per record: 23

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f302


  • Number of cases: 31337

  • No. of variables per record: 5

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f300


  • Number of cases: 10335

  • No. of variables per record: 18

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f293


  • Number of cases: 31337

  • No. of variables per record: 6

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f294


  • Number of cases: 10466

  • No. of variables per record: 15

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f298


  • Number of cases: 759

  • No. of variables per record: 14

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f290


  • Number of cases: 53820

  • No. of variables per record: 17

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f286


  • Number of cases: 31337

  • No. of variables per record: 7

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f305


  • Number of cases: 17297

  • No. of variables per record: 11

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f287


  • Number of cases: 8617

  • No. of variables per record: 14

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f288


  • Number of cases: 31337

  • No. of variables per record: 6

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f301


  • Number of cases: 94739

  • No. of variables per record: 13

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f289


  • Number of cases: 38166

  • No. of variables per record: 10

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f299


  • Number of cases: 31337

  • No. of variables per record: 6

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f295


  • Number of cases: 74923

  • No. of variables per record: 14

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f304


  • Number of cases: 28945

  • No. of variables per record: 12

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f291


  • Number of cases: 22443

  • No. of variables per record: 10

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f306


  • Number of cases: 27954

  • No. of variables per record: 7

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f296


  • Number of cases: 31337

  • No. of variables per record: 8

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f285


  • Number of cases: 15355

  • No. of variables per record: 6

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f292


  • Number of cases: 31337

  • No. of variables per record: 5

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f318


  • Number of cases: 334

  • No. of variables per record: 18

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f361


  • Number of cases: 334

  • No. of variables per record: 10

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f363


  • Number of cases: 334

  • No. of variables per record: 23

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f362


  • Number of cases: 1925

  • No. of variables per record: 8

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f310


  • Number of cases: 620

  • No. of variables per record: 11

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f309


  • Number of cases: 1003

  • No. of variables per record: 4

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f364


  • Number of cases: 334

  • No. of variables per record: 4

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f311


  • Number of cases: 1285

  • No. of variables per record: 14

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f319


  • Number of cases: 334

  • No. of variables per record: 3

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f316


  • Number of cases: 1131

  • No. of variables per record: 13

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f308


  • Number of cases: 334

  • No. of variables per record: 3

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f315


  • Number of cases: 214

  • No. of variables per record: 23

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f314


  • Number of cases: 334

  • No. of variables per record: 3

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f313


  • Number of cases: 329

  • No. of variables per record: 21

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f312


  • Number of cases: 329

  • No. of variables per record: 11

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f307


  • Number of cases: 813

  • No. of variables per record: 4

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f317


  • Number of cases: 96

  • No. of variables per record: 4

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f320


  • Number of cases: 329

  • No. of variables per record: 4

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



Variable Description

List of Variables:



f269 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:Rw16/1FNQFnqD6Jow+QDJQ==


f269 Location:

Variable Format: character



f269 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:Ra8S6wCIBqdWljbw5uVw8Q==


f269 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 7.755398582782532; Mean 15.905914950006078; Max. 31.0; Min. 1.0; Valid 8301.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:Q3DX8jXO3Nj2ximJF0L5qQ==


f269 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; StDev 4.041857122903297; Mean 6.851463679074825; Max. 12.0; Valid 8301.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:P1RWTsqezKoFB17goxqprQ==


f269 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 2006.659077219612; Min. 2005.0; Max. 2010.0; Valid 8301.0; StDev 0.9468520152247539

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:CfINph3w2w7mPAVn6AJmUQ==


f269 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 5.14925912540657; StDev 3.868689076926443; Valid 8301.0; Min. 1.0; Max. 20.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:lakmPHIhIEiF1bjUxc32yg==


f269 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 8301.0; Max. 31.0; Min. -8.0; StDev 10.329445239211807; Mean 14.911335983616517;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:U+csN2NBTHa2zZr9SRrjOA==


f269 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 12.0; StDev 4.92669050632006; Valid 8301.0; Mean 4.996867847247432; Min. -8.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:6ARm6F098rgcqrgbYCg7qQ==


f269 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 2010.0; Mean 2007.515480062643; Min. 2006.0; StDev 0.9879552214103944; Valid 8301.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:WZHAWNYnys3p1St92JoqQA==


f269 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 8301.0; Mean 2006.2427418383786; Min. 1.0; Max. 30401.0; StDev 7534.7675799322315

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:hJPRLaBVke2yBRR6wx3enw==


f269 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 22.77600891458861; Valid 8301.0; StDev 35.13973941259382; Max. 390.0; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:SyBLkH6V1CH+iiTt3GpfPg==


f269 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 0.5686778814955972; Min. -9.0; Valid 8301.0; StDev 3.796075714144031; Max. 30.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:yR/m9MNRpoyKwDH2cIBtQw==


f269 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 31101.0; StDev 7414.720489007777; Min. 10101.0; Valid 8301.0; Mean 24531.62088904935

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:TstPQDT1Z8xTeGcP+zlAyQ==


f269 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Valid 8301.0; Max. 2080.0; StDev 265.2065803607006; Mean 41.50210817974123

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:wDnENne5k+Vpi9fT4m2/Vg==


f272 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:gPG8r/uHhdk2uDH2XYTyEA==


f272 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:dHThrWCcto9dpdPoV/6BzQ==


f272 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:V5rauBLb2CWhaA44ieSQDA==


f272 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 0.0; Max. 46.0; StDev 3.3248673507200515; Valid 50393.0; Mean 4.401226360804304;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:53c4XhP/D8FV9vchmttzdg==


f272 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 2.1616692794635326; Min. -9.0; Valid 50393.0; Max. 13.0; StDev 2.217235916259538

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:XAqcpD7sqpSLVfT517SUqQ==


f272 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 213.90041312779456; Mean 1960.883561208895; Max. 2009.0; Min. -9.0; Valid 50393.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:3jWf3jE0U1akSuEoArup2g==


f272 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 0.4856626912468133; StDev 0.5556413638834233; Max. 1.0; Valid 50393.0; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:28IApYoJybajScMEoHdjQg==


f272 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 50393.0; Min. -9.0; StDev 4.693258842315483; Mean 2.619966860476689; Max. 31.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:gslFTlpjKx7HZolRUbPfHA==


f268 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:eL7zw0mE++HhiCkSDNwv2A==


f268 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:4ux0mmdaaTm9/VK6EIrfRg==


f268 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:qd3AY/SCgocBX/tddeIJ1g==


f268 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Mean 1.329116973858571; Valid 8301.0; StDev 0.925856973745686; Max. 9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:lAJruBxGK4qvVolSMlcsmg==


f268 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 23.154159739782404; StDev 31.520340012284414; Min. -9.0; Max. 400.0; Valid 8301.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:WE2mHlJIsWlclRN4b5uGbw==


f268 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 8301.0; Mean 0.5172870738465262; StDev 0.7438720988086301; Max. 1.0; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:J+TbbkDELLDHQBCgZj62YA==


f268 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 8301.0; Mean 3.5042163594758; Max. 90.0; Min. -9.0; StDev 15.418037687977282;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:3e80KOG/o3Pz43iZDRtlhw==


f268 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Mean 0.6893145404168081; StDev 0.8495031999439557; Max. 1.0; Valid 8301.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:FR/Nrccow7zxmOpmGUrWqw==


f273 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:egvt4unaY118l2IomdaNOA==


f273 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:6hvmRZydKw7c/Lxpey3AaA==


f273 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:L2ttTvEkCHCWixL0dv5aBA==


f273 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 12.0; Valid 27468.0; Min. -9.0; StDev 3.2258861406721526; Mean 6.499126256006979

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:W01X5Uk/EqDruCk3EWzoAg==


f273 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 94.48144575582634; Valid 27468.0; Max. 3000.0; Mean 15.499178191741706; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:gnM1FVcnN6cK57v0Qp0iWQ==


f273 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Valid 27468.0; Max. 363.0; Mean 196.85561380515625; StDev 136.1338912800924

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:ABo7hnUIzcGa4dSd5C4BLg==


f273 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 2711.0; Mean 141.25374981797404; StDev 237.68322346803572; Valid 27468.0; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:Dkj6RpEoISRDPCptPo68Mw==


f273 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 27468.0; Min. -350.0; StDev 175.87362787961345; Max. 2711.0; Mean 101.06429299548071

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:TbIUO9JtxskDGsrKAHpvgQ==


f273 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 2712.0; Mean 67.19273336245547; Valid 27468.0; StDev 162.04232446682474; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:PZALwcRT/ixzhtJQg6AjMg==


f271 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:eL7zw0mE++HhiCkSDNwv2A==


f271 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:bfibu7QABTPPzUo3IRydlQ==


f271 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:qd3AY/SCgocBX/tddeIJ1g==


f271 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 1.0; StDev 0.19413213776751756; Mean 0.9837368991687746; Valid 8301.0; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:Y8DgsfvQKe2L8kFmxUMcRQ==


f274 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:QAr4nJseiyn8rztx2R/SLw==


f274 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:kDOdh4cjjzZN+D/KPAozYA==


f274 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:tM+SJR7nfxGyqTzoeV9FqA==


f274 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 99.0; Min. -9.0; StDev 17.928537689664086; Valid 27765.0; Mean 15.147379794705403;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:iflKpMd+Ygn6a8aIDzkQcw==


f274 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 2500.0; Min. -9.0; StDev 16.05459241396104; Valid 27765.0; Mean 2.0497079056331384

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:qr8rzHOJgncAWQW7cMvvGw==


f274 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 27765.0; Mean 147573.4651143502; Min. -9.0; StDev 1546792.7826161268; Max. 1.5E8

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:kfgMKB0VTznAGGIUiBMfYQ==


f270 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:eL7zw0mE++HhiCkSDNwv2A==


f270 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:ImObzdyF/JXeNkycsIMOxg==


f270 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:qd3AY/SCgocBX/tddeIJ1g==


f270 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 0.7886975491359384; Max. 9.0; Min. -9.0; Valid 8301.0; Mean 1.1140826406456996;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:rmpez8Hdzrpg9YOuYcnbUA==


f270 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 9.0; Valid 8301.0; Mean 2.5514998192988663; Min. -9.0; StDev 2.4111496489828097;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p53htOnG6yMHeVc0QLitmg==


f270 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Max. 4.0; StDev 3.795344374932299; Mean -7.278641127574949; Valid 8301.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:grfUuAuBLz/54GQw92OBvw==


f270 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; StDev 2.58036535898541; Mean 2.8659197687025815; Max. 9.0; Valid 8301.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:lEnf5Tq2ufGikejsFDExSw==


f270 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 0.492451323198685; Min. -8.0; Valid 8301.0; Mean 0.8709794000722773; Max. 1.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:qjZcR9q5BSHHIdVc/6XCbg==


f270 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 8301.0; Min. -9.0; Max. 10000.0; Mean 125.58719413158283; StDev 651.4659609698438;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:JHia0TyyGOvYyuku1xdIsw==


f270 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 8301.0; StDev 3347049.780531362; Max. 2.0E8; Min. -9.0; Mean 153171.94043248057;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:phz+3Kb4yqlPYTTZFzoQ8w==


f270 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Valid 8301.0; Mean 85104.08533910925; Max. 1.5E7; StDev 538604.481499894

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:fJ6VOsCyNh/WCdk8K6wB7Q==


f270 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 8301.0; Min. -9.0; Max. 6.0E7; Mean 137551.70985422723; StDev 1430002.4625875885;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:0NyMiI/VL8APiWjg6ree8g==


f276 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:eL7zw0mE++HhiCkSDNwv2A==


f276 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:qq50wOSQbcbFkE+lFUwckA==


f276 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:qd3AY/SCgocBX/tddeIJ1g==


f276 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Valid 8301.0; StDev 17.847211668081407; Max. 700.0; Mean 2.4557016031437633

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:seC+1RXzO2swlhIAG9KpsQ==


f276 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 44.91599620289524; Min. -9.0; Max. 540.0; Valid 8301.0; Mean 33.603230534451974

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:eHKZwINV07N+olVT1e9p9g==


f276 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 0.9047102758703796; StDev 0.509621384173036; Valid 8301.0; Max. 1.0; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:1gb9GrjnkGQYisr9wORQhA==


f276 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Valid 8301.0; StDev 8.283576498888362; Max. 150.0; Mean 4.3436578725252755;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:NVKMGUQE7k4LyQ/MrsHSVg==


f276 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 0.5749909649440063; Valid 8301.0; Min. -9.0; Max. 3.0; StDev 2.9108142388428053;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:Bwtm9Y3tmRjgj5pN9BkLcA==


f276 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Valid 8301.0; Max. 3.0; StDev 2.9331953632328913; Mean 0.4603059872304071

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:aL5KdwQ/zVWCZNLULleI1w==


f276 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; StDev 5.64437412372994; Mean -1.465486086013765; Max. 14.0; Valid 8301.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:5wyYnHhiZPQrZg9ltG8Clw==


f276 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 6.649964077117892; Min. -9.0; Max. 14.0; Mean -2.085170461390222; Valid 8301.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:0BJxg3Fsitia23E/4GX8gg==


f276 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 14.0; StDev 6.870924417859768; Mean -3.3973015299361475; Min. -9.0; Valid 8301.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:VQRBy2a9jYKbOOTrpDd7gw==


f276 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 1.736309733590858; Max. 1.0; Valid 8057.0; Mean 0.06776715899217867; Min. -9.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:MQpJZE0/+olsVtQE8FQCzA==


f276 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 8301.0; Mean -2.815684857246057; Max. 19.0; StDev 7.489221152675814; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:TnvZ58K8dZBfw7cwnlW7Lg==


f276 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 8301.0; Mean -3.896157089507284; StDev 6.810308340162805; Max. 19.0; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:zcPaeQCVbbVFntf0IAvy4A==


f276 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean -5.156728105047605; StDev 5.985636388903242; Max. 19.0; Valid 8301.0; Min. -9.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:7mOE6mQSuxNGqweZ8BQTnA==


f275 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:7ITQPLI5wXDc5/3nipUyyw==


f275 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:Xo9CFLMtvRp8ZM2fouWnYQ==


f275 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:9iZdv9r+gB25NVCKVLUZUg==


f275 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 0.2361445783132553; StDev 0.5313586777344235; Min. -9.0; Max. 1.0; Valid 8300.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:UBwtFeMGX5SAK7XjiSGzDw==


f275 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 4.166111611648719; Valid 8300.0; Max. 1.0; Min. -9.0; Mean -4.780602409638527;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:6Hwn++GzbbMWj+fqXvEoyQ==


f275 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 10.0; StDev 4.969091170035889; Min. -9.0; Valid 8300.0; Mean -5.423012048192781;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:x4APMj5GthnO5OrGbuTeyg==


f275 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean -1.0025903614458542; Min. -9.0; Valid 8300.0; StDev 20.340929856768465; Max. 250.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:+njEYDBwwK2BMbLy9akUsg==


f275 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean -4.9954216867470125; StDev 3.9891379514709713; Max. 1.0; Min. -9.0; Valid 8300.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:ZitbayqdBgjFMBdJmNp4yw==


f275 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 5313.4749913575315; Mean 350.6371084337243; Max. 300000.0; Min. -9.0; Valid 8300.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:YF3Wq1Ty/p3FEgdl+PrnWA==


f275 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 3.8908346160858818; Mean -5.072650602409619; Min. -9.0; Valid 8300.0; Max. 1.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:Uen3XaVjKtQLyFpjKY0jLA==


f275 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 8300.0; Mean 147.66084337349463; StDev 2465.540674815066; Max. 110000.0; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:lPbxsxlmlZOyV1xd0TWKBw==


f275 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 8300.0; Max. 15.0; StDev 5.105712538033792; Min. -9.0; Mean -5.215421686747061

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:GdGN3WeexSOrOAiDM/JBSg==


f275 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 8300.0; StDev 4.930410465130682; Max. 15.0; Mean -5.48084337349393; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:wNzM//KVxE6OX12/yrC3kg==


f275 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 4.578944653502788; Min. -9.0; Valid 8300.0; Mean -6.126144578313267; Max. 14.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:ybZ3Hk8AJoWOYh8Au/kuUg==


f275 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean -5.002771084337419; Valid 8300.0; Min. -9.0; Max. 5.0; StDev 5.242532502293018;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:Xl/U88HKCkWdoJNPHabSEQ==


f275 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; StDev 5.336303809777153; Max. 15.0; Valid 8300.0; Mean -0.5432530120482201

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:uf3pzl564RzSTGZ+vDu6WQ==


f275 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 15.0; Mean -6.263855421686641; Valid 8300.0; Min. -9.0; StDev 4.809544831656111

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:s9P/CpEPOKdUwb7oamcjcg==


f275 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 8300.0; Min. -9.0; Max. 15.0; StDev 4.108737665539782; Mean -6.875060240963938

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:e3xOKt50aiM1ptMhPE7Ovg==


f280 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:ySj2RRYLD8q+9jOQ2wGzWA==


f280 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:L9ymrYr3kQ9Xo8ZW5ac86w==


f280 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:6hD9W/WHZeBCtxVSrzrQ5A==


f280 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 15.079964176049083; Min. 1.0; StDev 8.440276217155304; Valid 7816.0; Max. 31.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:7CnMQg7fKRvlPLtJsqLXMQ==


f280 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 2.9359591780048437; Valid 7816.0; Max. 12.0; Min. 1.0; Mean 8.302840327533248;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:xU2pkpQdrTrzBTWB0meGzw==


f280 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 2005.0; Mean 2007.3468526100307; StDev 0.8129378154404514; Max. 2010.0; Valid 7816.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:gjoXcCAD11GjkIQexGPlWg==


f280 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 7816.0; Min. 1.0; StDev 6.190213568232908; Mean 6.998592630501527; Max. 32.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:cA7dM1E8z3jlGSZwQNDQUg==


f280 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 31.0; Mean 13.208674513817629; StDev 10.631648283151003; Min. -8.0; Valid 7816.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:iwZmUSSJDbWP5/xEYAEn3g==


f280 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -8.0; Mean 6.912103377686898; Valid 7816.0; Max. 12.0; StDev 5.605164137277236

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:XvXeLlDzvuRAc3OV1ol9aw==


f280 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 2006.0; StDev 0.9664822678875075; Max. 2010.0; Mean 2007.7140481064482; Valid 7816.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:RpN14j46gDCXBHQH5TCcSg==


f280 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 30401.0; Min. 1.0; Mean 2129.9439611054327; StDev 7748.1681086881945; Valid 7816.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:q8n42RV6cDHcuxA5uoTRnA==


f280 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 7816.0; Min. 10101.0; Max. 31101.0; StDev 7325.455410622757; Mean 24586.93423746169;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:uQvqXfLazHumwVlywC7Czw==


f278 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:jCIat2Nky0zrkrHZf5/lXA==


f278 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:fneyldJDKYFoQBjRTiN8aQ==


f278 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:7Zrwh1kyw0RcMD8q9tAT7Q==


f278 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 13.0; Valid 8037.0; Mean 2.8245614035087554; Min. -8.0; StDev 2.423920315057042

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:DVeZzA15Dgj+yYdKR/X+/A==


f278 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 1.2886649247231585; Max. 2.0; StDev 0.6809555928932717; Min. -9.0; Valid 8037.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:9+7uwmgakwb+cogLZZk8kQ==


f278 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Valid 8037.0; StDev 4.631389127476013; Mean 7.06756252332962; Max. 21.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:ifCIIpH9XzqvBIIp849eEg==


f278 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 7.945140196569467; Min. -9.0; Max. 21.0; Valid 8037.0; Mean -0.6085604081124433

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:JwwgMp2o04tpAVr/3KDg+w==


f278 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 21.0; Valid 8037.0; Min. -9.0; Mean -3.0807515242005783; StDev 7.8466717703861075;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:5zkqzQdbLnqlJT5awNOBAQ==


f278 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 9600000.0; Valid 642.0; Min. -9.0; Mean 503184.8629283492; StDev 880473.9992455568

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:J4rLteY60eZYQ4hYKSPexw==


f277 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:OoBZFTtaJ/X+CAioqTWReQ==


f277 Location:

Variable Format: character



f277 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:/a2DUD88NNaHOAZeey/ToQ==


f277 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 0.5345780338039062; Mean 0.6477737973387888; Max. 1.0; Min. -9.0; Valid 7816.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:60nL91ieRryZPfto34KmWg==


f281 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:qwQo9V1QVBjacjf2f+8NBw==


f281 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 7.0; Min. -9.0; Mean 1.6622390891840315; StDev 4.2937639923910575; Valid 2108.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:17iCW6qXjbaj1+VpJi64Yg==


f281 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 2.411627165014126; Min. -9.0; Max. 1.0; Valid 2108.0; Mean -0.3643263757115669

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:aRmQF1/Eky4FvBEJEKJ8Ag==


f281 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 2108.0; Min. -9.0; StDev 2409947.2643577624; Mean 471212.8761859435; Max. 3.9132E7

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:5L2hgRIcg1LzE9ZnjgpFhA==


f281 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:qb//8BVDaH+TokBgnTjpFA==


f281 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:1IzUsytyWrzEoBbmvD5iPA==


f279 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:OoBZFTtaJ/X+CAioqTWReQ==


f279 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:cljOurZFa96SE/UGfxsVfQ==


f279 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:/a2DUD88NNaHOAZeey/ToQ==


f279 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 7816.0; Min. -9.0; Mean 0.10823950870009909; StDev 0.39257819913529945; Max. 1.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:Q6sAVisejE/XgLi48sBWzg==


f284 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:DiCtlXPHZgr07f6LeaXoLA==


f284 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:CYm88tyvWMn3isHyWO4XIA==


f284 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:/2Scq/H6KMKEnLSqUmoG4A==


f284 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 0.5031595420784436; Mean 0.2666666666666663; Max. 1.0; Valid 7815.0; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:uLiWdRn+Yn7np8GyU3ctTQ==


f284 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean -5.535014308962994; Valid 7815.0; Min. -9.0; Max. 34.0; StDev 4.160571649142714

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:/GdkJic8kbdtDyH/6CZemg==


f284 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 5.0; Valid 7815.0; Mean -5.62661548304541; Min. -9.0; StDev 4.050368567940212;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:MwX6+L5chq4sqQkcXDux5A==


f284 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 5.0; StDev 2.520360744358392; Valid 7815.0; Min. -9.0; Mean -7.358029430582207

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:qS6D4vvJcHt7OhPnREKOgg==


f284 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 1.2370254069400992; Min. -9.0; Max. 5.0; Valid 7815.0; Mean -7.887012156110057

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:VZ9ufM3So0TcaROMJuGOaQ==


f284 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 7815.0; Mean 50.73000639795361; StDev 109.17893789717601; Min. -9.0; Max. 1102.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:xIeqkMBB2LtEMVnMUggenA==


f284 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Valid 7815.0; Max. 1103.0; Mean 39.25207933461293; StDev 112.0109090333456

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:0uiidGoT7kMfRnmV8jMATg==


f284 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 1103.0; StDev 96.37586472305033; Mean 21.34062699936078; Min. -9.0; Valid 7815.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:ZiSsBVQe0LOdiNYPiRU3Qg==


f284 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 7815.0; Mean -1.0204734484965026; StDev 16.254017338260358; Min. -9.0; Max. 120.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:uEKeoG//EAwNcunBGi4kLg==


f284 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean -5.304158669225847; StDev 11.927936157316733; Min. -9.0; Valid 7815.0; Max. 700.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:HUA4iIF9uSlXOrdelGKi0g==


f284 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 7815.0; StDev 117.86559657514684; Mean 56.54305822136952; Min. -9.0; Max. 363.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:Xf8uy229Dpfq/AePqyxVPw==


f284 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 500.0; Mean -4.973134511397693; Min. -9.0; StDev 11.172636969606756; Valid 7815.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:pBgacrEP9aD35Cm3DxRlpA==


f284 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 0.3352527191298821; Valid 7815.0; Max. 1.0; Min. -9.0; StDev 0.9128689110819805;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:o0wZ2n5d/vPr0f+ZMyjv6Q==


f284 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 7815.0; Mean -3.036028191232757; StDev 6.018415260033859; Max. 202.342819213867; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric



f284 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; StDev 3.8851049739397374; Valid 7815.0; Max. 101.171409606934; Mean -0.21111000889478393

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:6bKH53w06J5vcChFv6IrAg==


f283 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:nswn/QJrICrvod73nEWbxg==


f283 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:FQ6O+v5e0TOxcDYATkLElA==


f283 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:UifVX1eXsZSsgbRYF8KNwA==


f283 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Valid 7373.0; Max. 5.0; StDev 1.631982130510583; Mean 3.0503187305032142;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:53jmJvOhaFR0+J/dR1pLHQ==


f283 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 1.3746247773561446; Valid 7373.0; Min. -9.0; Mean 1.945476739454773; Max. 3.0

Variable Format: numeric



f283 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 1.4266265659943782; Mean 1.8284280482842725; Min. -9.0; Valid 7373.0; Max. 3.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:czwsXJTx3J4CFl46mNPP0g==


f283 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 7373.0; StDev 1.4771598497704914; Mean 2.0062389800623945; Min. -9.0; Max. 3.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:1m4jj5DmdPGo0t/pxcBK5Q==


f283 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 1.5730367557302387; StDev 9.505744898211104; Valid 7373.0; Max. 31.0; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:a8ciZ3/mcsrvBImYvpn2mw==


f283 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 31.0; Mean -1.4650752746507816; Valid 7373.0; StDev 8.709782832796156; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric



f283 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 7.545708538585334; Valid 7373.0; Mean -4.242099552421009; Min. -9.0; Max. 31.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:hUOJZevvAig7r7iGB+ul/w==


f283 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Max. 3.0; Valid 7373.0; Mean 2.4809439848094548; StDev 1.6026367241507125;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:rxCYCdMjFWUzEYIuyW7EoQ==


f283 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 2.2454903024549027; StDev 1.4894120144359855; Min. -9.0; Valid 7373.0; Max. 3.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:eeypFWzcmhxGNrwfJTrl4A==


f283 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 1.5519153604523483; Min. -9.0; Mean 2.0200732402007175; Max. 3.0; Valid 7373.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:xfTnVB971lElJMDNDY3nrQ==


f282 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:+WteQpsqEFMJ2iNBXUstMA==


f282 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:iE5Z6jvqZJSjbU9X+3g16g==


f282 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:s5qmp5zpa+vlVHRauVqDKQ==


f282 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Max. 4.0; Valid 7372.0; StDev 2.356649533035842; Mean 2.036760716223544;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:GTbMH9uFY/95qdhusSQIrQ==


f282 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Valid 7372.0; Mean 1.5394736842105028; StDev 2.2039392329270844; Max. 3.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:QVEhJ6VChXQ8j+CQpemKUA==


f282 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 7372.0; StDev 1.26969160058908; Min. -9.0; Max. 3.0; Mean 2.107433532284304

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:TSW5xilIoNlyG6z9B4NcUw==


f282 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Valid 7372.0; Mean 1.9226804123711254; Max. 3.0; StDev 1.6836307129436716

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:P88Zwwn4u70FbZ8j4Rqehg==


f282 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean -4.378052088985314; Min. -9.0; Max. 4.0; StDev 5.075730502503023; Valid 7372.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:mfkwP8BTXPP7CXM/ZlKUUA==


f303 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:24Da+wDGpPHu8wQNxojBsg==


f303 Location:

Variable Format: character



f303 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:GDN26VoMDUQ5LGFiydX4Rw==


f303 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 2.4677388474057005; StDev 1.1160147159617666; Valid 31338.0; Min. 1.0; Max. 4.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:nT7nbo7pTkOK05hiHaVRCQ==


f303 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 31338.0; Max. 31.0; Mean 15.652339013338114; StDev 8.711934114163132; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:kLwIKIK/bj72flemQrsiow==


f303 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 12.0; Valid 31338.0; Min. -9.0; StDev 3.701040246558428; Mean 6.669251388091156

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:RDguR2+EibqYkp5AbxRlBg==


f303 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 31338.0; Min. -9.0; Mean 1993.5662454528087; StDev 164.48796514618837; Max. 2010.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:pT5yFVuQTSwjEA895/ll8w==


f303 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 6.162869359882489; Max. 32.0; StDev 5.505104764881609; Min. -9.0; Valid 31338.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:u0909wrEvpwpiKrO5V4yyw==


f303 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 31.0; Valid 31338.0; Min. -9.0; StDev 10.279154492907546; Mean 13.553353755824306;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:9E2EQ2FP3EMorqXvTiFrrw==


f303 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Mean 6.553194205118363; StDev 3.647239045980124; Max. 12.0; Valid 31338.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:JkCmizDlORMcB0OuC+DXng==


f303 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Mean 1993.609707064906; StDev 164.49153731890436; Max. 2010.0; Valid 31338.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:fjeA86dVu2aOFX8MddC6fQ==


f303 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 30401.0; StDev 7739.806677128046; Mean 2123.1843767946734; Valid 31338.0; Min. 1.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:HfM19tBjXaHhnBvlYxb7tw==


f303 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -8.0; Valid 31338.0; Max. 31.0; StDev 10.600318292271794; Mean 13.461803561172081

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:jsCBlCJh9rVxfD9sCojoew==


f303 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 12.0; StDev 5.014288743656737; Valid 31338.0; Min. -8.0; Mean 5.5797753526074105;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:1uLEJVxyG+sV17vQIGB64Q==


f303 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 2010.0; StDev 0.9954944404945436; Min. 2006.0; Mean 2007.6487331674007; Valid 31338.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:dC/lfOWGBhE0a5bNw+o3ig==


f303 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 30401.0; Mean 2125.24475078152; StDev 7739.2432749712; Min. 1.0; Valid 31338.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:cLd+sY2RjbQfhyIOAa6nyQ==


f303 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 14577.506318204873; Valid 31338.0; Min. 1.0; StDev 57964.30015350799; Max. 321121.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:hUwd40V3Q6CtS9S8lp4phA==


f303 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 31338.0; Max. 54.0; Mean 4.179175441956675; Min. -9.0; StDev 11.020459133370135

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:5qojUNRh3f0uRJh0Jfa62w==


f303 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 1.2323377369328017; Max. 19.0; StDev 0.729122169677574; Valid 31338.0; Min. -9.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:5gwlakPJXF3acD9/aA6M3w==


f303 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 21.0; Valid 31338.0; StDev 5.057452794825242; Mean -2.498404492947835; Min. -9.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:gBTLPH/PopYaMWWcNPqarA==


f303 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 10101.0; Max. 31101.0; Mean 24659.12674708053; StDev 7254.222874764669; Valid 31338.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:VK0RCNMp3wiXbp7mem/QPg==


f297 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:vAn9FDTE3UtwgAiHXYEH8w==


f297 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:hOAJg7A50vLziSIyWTOZXQ==


f297 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:wiRHkA4LkOn5eF+K9OWnTA==


f297 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 4.0; Valid 57468.0; Min. 1.0; StDev 1.089210294660317; Mean 2.4532957471984376;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:YJuLX23/w0UgR1L4JEMQZw==


f297 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 1410.0; StDev 299.7211381182642; Min. -9.0; Valid 57468.0; Mean 144.8280782347572;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:cw7OW2nwWBy8aknHz/EV5w==


f297 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 9.0; Valid 57468.0; Min. -9.0; Mean 1.946596366673702; StDev 2.7221591149438296;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:KvsX265oANQ4di7LN0C7xQ==


f297 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 5.438861278827241; Max. 30.0; Valid 57468.0; Min. -9.0; Mean 12.136928377532097

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:zrv1BphkonNGUe9xDTLczw==


f297 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 182.99634579244426; Max. 363.0; Min. -9.0; Valid 57468.0; StDev 92.17749853158347

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:RO890IcZC3XZiIpRzFpCUQ==


f297 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 57468.0; Mean 28.880354984321645; StDev 119.42163864600022; Max. 5000.0; Min. -9.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:DTmDIlFLkCRvrzhzOkyE+Q==


f297 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 314.0; Mean 50.4348681005075; StDev 79.95583782145623; Min. -9.0; Valid 57468.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:klymcGku3ENBkT7WT4BY7g==


f297 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 57468.0; Min. -9.0; Mean 20.55752070258509; StDev 98.69026953249842; Max. 5000.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:PTcu+QGr5p9Rkd0Ae4qDYw==


f297 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 5000.0; Mean 8.315379924517968; Valid 57468.0; Min. -9.0; StDev 63.92757286782804;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:iEOEVibm+Rw20m/gGwArrg==


f297 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; StDev 34925.24026632717; Max. 2000000.0; Valid 57468.0; Mean 3466.6833262644946;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:xtxT5l1DJ3kEgKl21FHKsw==


f297 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 9.335125398384111; Valid 57468.0; Max. 29.0; Min. -9.0; Mean -2.279338066402396

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:f+PUx5SNCnqQBaCpeppNiQ==


f297 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 57468.0; Min. 0.0; StDev 152061.91371843952; Max. 1.4E7; Mean 19612.340392002832;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:AxxdybEwMRXXQY/Xh8Vq+A==


f297 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 0.0; Valid 57468.0; Max. 3120000.0; StDev 19194.677780203903; Mean 485.16768270729733;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:54Y50uiXFZc+nkYbA4q0JQ==


f297 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 21125.58620029276; Min. 0.0; Mean 902.8795644824331; Max. 2700000.0; Valid 57468.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:P5Ri0HREb0rDeS7SvTImLA==


f297 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 138222.40017880377; Valid 57468.0; Mean 18224.47174177245; Min. -331814.304590225; Max. 1.37E7

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:CxWUQGhWUuVXfNKLftiVIw==


f297 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 13.676215649220946; Max. 99.0; Min. 11.0; Valid 57468.0; Mean 24.33335073432211

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:MA0kSnKTzjh0IFrJL42cmQ==


f297 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 0.016165518201434602; Max. 6.0; Valid 57468.0; Min. 0.0; StDev 0.2044445945624584

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:VI3uSJRnG3Ua3EORQrsrEQ==


f297 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 57468.0; Min. -9.0; StDev 4.152312429575424; Max. 1.0; Mean -6.241090693951951

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:D8ApQCFwcEKMjPkmVdMWSw==


f297 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 57468.0; Min. -9.0; Mean -6.211247998886281; Max. 1.0; StDev 4.20037611889068

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:MFlcFvEQcwJP8N9q9JKqvQ==


f297 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 57468.0; Min. -9.0; Max. 1.0; Mean -6.2338692837738785; StDev 4.164013498921669

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:qj3dpTUqWrsSzbPOURYtFw==


f302 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:rKnvvwF0i1ORi2vcnRFAYw==


f302 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:mVebaSFW2II1gQtOPozy2w==


f302 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:Wct0H7RUbCaAAQZuaImgOg==


f302 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 1.1160284725016414; Max. 4.0; Valid 31337.0; Mean 2.467721862335253; Min. 1.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:ZEO8aVq4q2QL5xkKyfEmhA==


f302 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 31337.0; Max. 1.0; Mean 0.7596770590675489; StDev 0.42728638069911945; Min. 0.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:pS0/LHqMMyrc+I9oN60AKw==


f300 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:eoVb5mFZf1e8mWibohuZqw==


f300 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:4XI0WaJH7EF2DW0WOq9R7w==


f300 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:5TqIl/c2pj1p06Ipq2dFWA==


f300 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; Mean 2.418674407353624; StDev 1.0950296702149498; Max. 4.0; Valid 10335.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:QlmW0EA3d1LINZ4ALBF7mA==


f300 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 1304.0; StDev 229.19972344414194; Mean 201.5312046444106; Min. -9.0; Valid 10335.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:SmwoI2yWB2KfDA3BHiil2Q==


f300 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 10335.0; Min. -9.0; Max. 9.0; Mean 2.7052733430092086; StDev 1.6971800802429848

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:81i5vv0SOjBvoCPc1VB/MA==


f300 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 120000.0; StDev 1650.446078578506; Valid 10335.0; Mean 89.1415590881736; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:etYY59NdetLR4fIOy4CRXA==


f300 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 91.25434291317485; Valid 10335.0; Max. 315.0; Min. -9.0; Mean 69.14833091436641;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:xHwnBTTRgxK9IWLLVkMcgg==


f300 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 21.637812467420687; Valid 10335.0; StDev 546.2002890004022; Max. 50000.0; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:X6YH2GCdI/36yVSbHcuLWA==


f300 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 100000.0; Mean 67.50282741368295; Min. -9.0; Valid 10335.0; StDev 1265.7290589672277

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:N40UP3tuuxX+LIKisUqWPg==


f300 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 3000000.0; Valid 10335.0; StDev 104875.00526279944; Mean 18781.261463262937; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:ZJuhkc4jSf31jQxuwChsig==


f300 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Mean 1.4563134978231242; Valid 10335.0; StDev 11.150430936865462; Max. 29.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:VBm3U9uLj3QdaGOzH2lc1A==


f300 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 277496.25974329544; Mean 61548.15757046346; Min. 0.055555556; Valid 10335.0; Max. 6500000.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:lEO84O7+TA1iI9mqQB8IwQ==


f300 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 0.0; Valid 10335.0; StDev 69283.00638698495; Max. 2600000.0; Mean 7305.5527044235

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:Vl8ELt6cd0cBZaQbcSvFpw==


f300 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 2393.6377794002524; StDev 28689.100887887937; Max. 2000000.0; Valid 10335.0; Min. 0.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:n273GZkPWbxoseLapXmwpA==


f300 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 10335.0; Min. -929345.0; Mean 51848.96760901434; Max. 5500000.0; StDev 230271.03134855596

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:nZ/DqDvh0vK3qbf27PbX1w==


f300 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 13.397580370226262; Min. 11.0; Max. 99.0; Mean 35.83018867924512; Valid 10335.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:zJWIKcWnWwDFV4fkYLfWuQ==


f300 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 0.11021289588522752; Mean 0.006773101112724371; Min. 0.0; Valid 10335.0; Max. 4.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:npmVWk7pATBU+vzL+1tHug==


f293 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:rKnvvwF0i1ORi2vcnRFAYw==


f293 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:lPYzQL1MyJfEMVtNRGjPkQ==


f293 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:Wct0H7RUbCaAAQZuaImgOg==


f293 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; Mean 2.4677218623352526; Max. 4.0; Valid 31337.0; StDev 1.1160284725016414;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:Sj/fMglG0VdcZ5c5HN7oqA==


f293 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 0.42693675668397524; Max. 1.0; Min. 0.0; Mean 0.23974854006446517; Valid 31337.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:UkCwyq67c5fjZefvAoHgaA==


f293 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 0.40948381065452644; Min. 0.0; Valid 31337.0; Max. 1.0; Mean 0.21307081086255944

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:7Krp87Fju56JqBJRJ3422g==


f294 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:nHgWYf+Tlb24CJNRtGHC0Q==


f294 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:ogE/Vmaqsga1O36lIXk62A==


f294 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:rgKvTcjNGSiZu5pv2s/QvA==


f294 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 4.0; Valid 10466.0; Min. 1.0; StDev 1.125690075579546; Mean 2.4699025415631652;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:IejLqs0rrUncg4RQCeGN7g==


f294 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 9031.0; StDev 1078.7028659598107; Min. -9.0; Valid 10466.0; Mean 240.0128989107626;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:11eSempu8ugu5/2BMe8CQw==


f294 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 62.74536594687686; Min. -9.0; Max. 199.0; StDev 69.59629021769472; Valid 10466.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:J/1d0etBdaNsVvCzmXyJwQ==


f294 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 93.88600923615822; Mean 184.63481750430125; Valid 10466.0; Max. 373.0; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:SPl82fltImLR2K2Ni/HFRg==


f294 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 0.0500000007450581; StDev 156.6860365117831; Valid 10466.0; Mean 14.948243015742477; Max. 15000.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:B8dN+r8EFGB+fscEhHr/4A==


f294 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 9.129092467279184; StDev 35.26510566337081; Max. 1000.0; Valid 10466.0; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:HkOZzkNVXs7CJ+tj/jeLLw==


f294 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 5.809769313441085; StDev 143.20000456148372; Min. -9.0; Valid 10466.0; Max. 14000.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:BMqIls40CaqC/ZkAzhBP4g==


f294 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 0.0; Valid 10466.0; StDev 6122.843861045095; Mean 3545.8373475154576; Max. 200000.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:E/PNNMgQemnzc1xJtO6bIw==


f294 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 227351.17786523237; Min. 0.0; Valid 10466.0; Mean 30255.540646998135; Max. 1.61E7

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:lsqmmtj+purk8CTHkssx0A==


f294 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 10466.0; Max. 4000000.0; Min. 0.0; StDev 59715.53598235782; Mean 2572.778157844275

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:09lPdROcvqZ4AxLI/7p61Q==


f294 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 1.21E7; StDev 180352.58607052662; Min. -110000.0; Mean 27682.762382525467; Valid 10466.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:GkgP/FOEJ0LuAuAzWarj1w==


f294 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 4.0; Valid 10466.0; Mean 0.02111599464934251; StDev 0.2142405926782195; Min. 0.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:wnH5vN62gTC42RI0d+Uv2w==


f298 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:sNqGXBUjOf8vJVaiB133XQ==


f298 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; StDev 1.013755035014338; Valid 759.0; Max. 4.0; Mean 2.051383399209487;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:zUlxvGejA6PP8h8dbVwayA==


f298 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 759.0; Max. 9033.0; Mean 1926.3175230566626; StDev 3324.357081191448; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric



f298 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 39.5599472990778; Valid 759.0; StDev 564.9319442310406; Min. -9.0; Max. 9001.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:0R8B44z+pf+2421OhzuOOA==


f298 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 86.22885002053383; Valid 759.0; Min. 0.226796180009842; Max. 1500.0; Mean 27.14685671901205

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:dtNvp778x6lJQoLyYf95MQ==


f298 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 759.0; Min. -9.0; Max. 500.0; Mean 5.725497025353495; StDev 22.18079876862775;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:fqCw//YKtjX6p2nDs+Xdkw==


f298 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Max. 1500.0; StDev 83.58308265129723; Mean 21.21798288594435; Valid 759.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:DSGOYegZ50hQ9a5EFaHwIA==


f298 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 0.200000002980232; Mean 8629.364723138257; Max. 150000.0; Valid 759.0; StDev 20249.4325173661

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:ml8aXszW+fuw/64ZKh9LEw==


f298 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 1.95E7; Valid 759.0; StDev 1267819.7852913411; Min. 0.75; Mean 283755.3580795553;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:VBKQTKiw0bHNfjncGZD+Qg==


f298 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 277667.6616142778; Valid 759.0; Max. 5000000.0; Min. 0.0; Mean 47594.24505928826;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:2HRHPFrmjqA2Aa0q8QiQPA==


f298 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 236161.1130202633; StDev 1025245.0399280015; Valid 759.0; Max. 1.45E7; Min. -600000.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:wfno9z5f5wY71nb6qGilAw==


f298 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:Ygdxbb6IwKeY1UH39s9BvQ==


f298 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:zaioCIt0fcSO9NQIEpQhaw==


f298 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 0.0; Max. 3.0; Valid 759.0; StDev 0.2593045853298108; Mean 0.036890645586298204

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:K2DsSijOP27f24I4nNWKWA==


f290 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:er/7jPdHDrw9CZmxkjP24w==


f290 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:LT1DejeEa+2XPvm0ixG7hQ==


f290 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:yHwmHMZtwz7u5nqbed5jrw==


f290 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 4.0; Min. 1.0; Valid 53820.0; StDev 1.0866269930904475; Mean 2.560312151616523

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:CQDmZxuEJzFoNh+Z7d17vQ==


f290 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 235.6264984451108; Mean 119.47991452990016; Valid 53820.0; Max. 1408.0; Min. -9.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:ufncXt4FphvtQZWT8nHPnQ==


f290 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 27.360516500216047; Mean 66.04080267558341; Max. 199.0; Min. -9.0; Valid 53820.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:Szw+WEn/X81ZOBtIXXr87Q==


f290 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 273.43062058713673; StDev 92.7362606854455; Valid 53820.0; Min. -9.0; Max. 372.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:s8dwy9TXMQvQKdqVE7nDuA==


f290 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 10000.0; Valid 53820.0; StDev 100.10742251235534; Mean 17.611075271073755; Min. 0.00800000037997961;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:UzcUz41/RbYW1IueC9LijQ==


f290 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 59.851925907893815; Mean 34.72151616499401; Min. -9.0; Max. 315.0; Valid 53820.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:FO14nEM1euWbuobCGzxadg==


f290 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 7000.0; Mean 16.014041805808343; Valid 53820.0; StDev 86.84152592246609; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:vWwJfzqheP2wiP5FctUcpQ==


f290 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Max. 2000.0; StDev 23.66408158947492; Mean 1.410560035112019; Valid 53820.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:EY77gJT5Ax0SxEKBKqaEmQ==


f290 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 0.0; Valid 53820.0; StDev 14647.006869523244; Mean 1337.4713151796502; Max. 850000.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:ogNhNy0bf4sW515nlYRFHg==


f290 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 6000000.0; Mean 6449.355545306067; Min. 0.0; StDev 68045.96847977955; Valid 53820.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:jrwnoNc0ouf0eX632LdGUA==


f290 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 160.1860736404514; Min. 0.0; Valid 53820.0; Max. 1500000.0; StDev 8939.114043235011;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:E+9EzkHHwmwGcPPDHpvuoQ==


f290 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 6000000.0; StDev 65987.44890668947; Mean 6289.171031495555; Min. -13555.0; Valid 53820.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:SOOB/uojJSAh39wpvhoG3w==


f290 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 99.0; Valid 53820.0; StDev 17.92215410470736; Mean 24.61191007060469; Min. 11.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:liXn2RRZNuoxIkzt2gFRZQ==


f290 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 0.09116580682523882; Valid 53820.0; Min. 0.0; Mean 0.0036046079524334525; Max. 6.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:mVvA6CwAGflfKYf2/EQ54w==


f286 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:rKnvvwF0i1ORi2vcnRFAYw==


f286 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:+hoNKJh6LMoZey/GncgpRg==


f286 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:Wct0H7RUbCaAAQZuaImgOg==


f286 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 4.0; Min. 1.0; Mean 2.467721862335253; Valid 31337.0; StDev 1.1160284725016412

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:PyzaB7tqNJp4DXocU65B2g==


f286 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 1.0; Min. 0.0; Mean 0.17704311197628836; Valid 31337.0; StDev 0.381711275764199;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:CwsFDQrjaY+z0xQhTHF5ng==


f286 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 31337.0; StDev 0.11700042370507388; Mean 0.01388135430960083; Max. 1.0; Min. 0.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:yurtj1Z9+cqp6fmf1vNScQ==


f286 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 31337.0; Min. 0.0; Max. 1.0; Mean 0.5001116890577175; StDev 0.5000079655060143

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:KWXbD80ZDePngkBhh81QQw==


f305 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:k3qIv8CJ0P7ERKGZ9+X17Q==


f305 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:4qTJkpZ4tE+uAT91HhhSQg==


f305 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:+ho/+izH6QT8+6sEZik/oA==


f305 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; StDev 1.1122895518399103; Max. 4.0; Valid 17297.0; Mean 2.448517083887379

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:bq2RJW5Uc52IVV+q2E5zKw==


f305 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 17297.0; Max. 113.0; StDev 3.885436566414101; Min. -9.0; Mean 2.1682950800716934

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:cpgr8YxdpnJsiM5S8IbjYw==


f305 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 17297.0; StDev 12.171611074347641; Max. 99.0; Mean 8.068508989998396; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:W2FJH+6u4XwKlLIwKCTQ1A==


f305 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Max. 400.0; Mean 12.63635860627654; StDev 11.821797361272514; Valid 17297.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:33SWIIfBtK6VxmZiJ6g4jw==


f305 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 15872.778579355496; Mean 5544.542027340087; Min. -9.0; Max. 600000.0; Valid 17297.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:EbLNqAW+yHcewB9ysFNtvQ==


f305 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 0.0; StDev 301377.33482646634; Mean 94748.28568290104; Max. 7002000.0; Valid 17297.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:6GQFtJ2SnuVOpeATgj9M8A==


f305 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 0.05318841417587486; Valid 17297.0; Min. 0.0; Max. 6.0; StDev 0.3470393694457678

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:X0TQzYqr0XRTnNKHzRvQLQ==


f305 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 1.0; Min. 0.0; Mean 0.03387870729027911; StDev 0.18092217354997875; Valid 17297.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:2GA2oDBJUbpHbWGp1+O/UA==


f287 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:KBQdwVXgz3MPZDmQl/9fhw==


f287 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:QanRCQdKIjbZdw7nAddBAw==


f287 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:u3V29dE3PAnfP5/ipr1b/A==


f287 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 1.0989595527360507; Mean 2.4313566206336303; Min. 1.0; Max. 4.0; Valid 8617.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:7POzALTGAx5+eaU8QGiOSw==


f287 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Max. 19.0; Mean 4.867471277706835; StDev 5.117430798789765; Valid 8617.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:t6IjGsDzy8ChRooGc9Bm6Q==


f287 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 6.885E7; Valid 8617.0; Mean 329754.0234384862; StDev 2025804.435974936; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:x7MSX/cykxVRDOATWNxTwQ==


f287 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 1659037.8801906058; Max. 6.0E7; Min. -9.0; Valid 8617.0; Mean 215845.46133304192;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:t6nFGn0O+/CzT0ApHtNfRA==


f287 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 7229.24044419937; Valid 8617.0; Min. -9.0; StDev 96760.24082582544; Max. 5000000.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:b76xVbw+FGACUfUIAY4nHw==


f287 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 89306.16175924845; Max. 5000000.0; Valid 8617.0; Min. -9.0; Mean 6350.637474372066;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:Pjn5KunFEFRbvmd+iyRW3w==


f287 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 152636.17938514464; Min. -9.0; Valid 8617.0; Max. 8000000.0; Mean 12758.718500328669

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:nsNRTlomMyCrBEF3ARYprA==


f287 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 8617.0; Min. -9.0; StDev 237466.47472350945; Max. 1.175E7; Mean 10534.204015317251;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:CZfVLrQ48SAh73ihaqko8w==


f287 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 110500.19600748036; Valid 8617.0; Mean 5087.444038760955; Max. 8400000.0; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:rOQOBUgqzZVmTZziJ1+bUw==


f287 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 293559.1791674413; Valid 8617.0; Mean 72004.60602927729; Min. -1200000.0; Max. 6018000.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:t7SK330sl5ZAugn1YHbwgQ==


f287 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 1643003.6960078184; Min. -9.0; Valid 8617.0; Mean 226370.9446442944; Max. 8.0E7;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:SR+VO+oa3mfM9iNmQrQNbA==


f288 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:rKnvvwF0i1ORi2vcnRFAYw==


f288 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:c5CpuFZGycJZSdq1y5T5+w==


f288 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:Wct0H7RUbCaAAQZuaImgOg==


f288 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 1.1160284725016414; Valid 31337.0; Max. 4.0; Min. 1.0; Mean 2.467721862335253

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:+5Q5c504PPAjD1Vekgs3mA==


f288 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 1.0; Mean 0.38210422184636234; Valid 31337.0; StDev 0.4859095800426852; Min. 0.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:zdYDVL6ia2f8BVhcK4HBAA==


f288 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 0.0; Valid 31337.0; Max. 1.0; Mean 0.2290583016880612; StDev 0.42023354400419904

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:SGam6uW2h7lfmgHrGwO4fA==


f301 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:sGDlZUO0VXaEGmjH/Zr+Pg==


f301 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:BZwlLm56Hyt4gR79ZS7zqg==


f301 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:ExTtb434XfM1mInB4jq2Cw==


f301 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 1.1348595474894616; Mean 2.552496859793715; Min. 1.0; Valid 94739.0; Max. 4.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:RXXyTkDs6RK5p/49wXbVug==


f301 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Valid 94739.0; Mean 288.07151225999206; Max. 1408.0; StDev 133.6625321155881

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:SWouTHNYK703a4echahhOw==


f301 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 94739.0; Min. -9.0; StDev 2789.7184519164257; Max. 480000.0; Mean 142.1897862287076

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:l88IFxIqnnLYNgAjRDfofQ==


f301 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 94739.0; Max. 315.0; Min. -9.0; Mean 48.609010016984755; StDev 78.64294646742253;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:S6cKOihu/TzPpes3VkeTNg==


f301 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 65.22663288082235; Max. 30000.0; StDev 305.56612028861804; Valid 94739.0; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:srT2cxCruoTeUgStSgsNUA==


f301 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 470000.0; Min. -9.0; StDev 2678.6890966668584; Valid 94739.0; Mean 76.92414934722542

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:iOdgzbggHJpZlkXIAtgjEw==


f301 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 2200000.0; StDev 17948.561165157644; Min. -9.0; Mean 2696.0605109928283; Valid 94737.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:fSKsqffB/dFYuDFqX3JT3w==


f301 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 0.0; Max. 9.12E7; StDev 613783.6182945492; Mean 75159.51378440956; Valid 94739.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:OqHuf9pABExNnWtKsYuXpQ==


f301 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 94739.0; Max. 99.0; StDev 16.353827199014507; Mean 15.363007842601904; Min. 11.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:zhAGoD+xyyvYM9jYf+no/g==


f301 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 0.0; Max. 6.0; StDev 0.07001735916564597; Valid 94739.0; Mean 0.0024171671645269567;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:y7fSVf5087QS+K1f58Zixg==


f289 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:m41HP9+HzgAhRplSDBkV8w==


f289 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:sVL5kXN6lEE11XNOWqI+ag==


f289 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:K5GTAVUxgXX7EIpybV0EQg==


f289 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; StDev 1.1067605928150652; Valid 38166.0; Max. 4.0; Mean 2.376251113556601

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:DrT6IT0SKKBvuumuphnWDA==


f289 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; StDev 15.963510360635906; Max. 71.0; Valid 38166.0; Mean 8.840722108683925;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:+weE/YMDwdGvHihEN/4kuw==


f289 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 38166.0; Mean 91.8652737568681; StDev 650.8625672981424; Min. -9.0; Max. 21000.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:menXXHuRygg801Jdqpd2hw==


f289 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 317.0; Min. -9.0; Mean 56.63525127076555; StDev 78.41539132778794; Valid 38166.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:nYuEsQGkM9KIc7dk4WGd2Q==


f289 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 2000000.0; Mean 4994.35701754386; StDev 36082.554289606676; Valid 38166.0; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:QHNtvF27YTtCSzC9hnoC7Q==


f289 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 38166.0; StDev 158420.17782233914; Min. 0.0; Max. 1.3E7; Mean 31137.299520513796

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:UXbwOHBopenBdh4UGYvANQ==


f289 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 0.003799192999003897; Max. 4.0; Valid 38166.0; Min. 0.0; StDev 0.07970355086390464

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:d1QbQIH0lVWSO086KIVWZA==


f299 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:rKnvvwF0i1ORi2vcnRFAYw==


f299 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:6tBcnaF64sKxhorQu1R/cg==


f299 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:Wct0H7RUbCaAAQZuaImgOg==


f299 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 1.1160284725016412; Min. 1.0; Valid 31337.0; Max. 4.0; Mean 2.467721862335253;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:Qxc82XEub3bWVXo2cAvB3Q==


f299 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 1.0; Valid 31337.0; Mean 0.7655168012253841; Min. 0.0; StDev 0.423682140913976;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:fdapDEMNl3+VuzHHW8YXdw==


f299 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 0.4980408210121433; Valid 31337.0; Mean 0.5443086447330621; Min. 0.0; Max. 1.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:f0O3UIiP1h9C30aIjCSOFQ==


f295 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:NhRjFOdYXXbh93N0yRFBLw==


f295 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:1iYKLgs0olYd8i3V5yUTnQ==


f295 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:x5W5yVX6YxRtJSHNChd9Qg==


f295 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; Max. 4.0; StDev 1.1078828454987124; Valid 74923.0; Mean 2.4960692978123995

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:yBPQQIknUMDH7cbooB9Uog==


f295 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; Mean 7.779330503723672; Valid 74922.0; StDev 5.437131720461709; Max. 30.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:BoHXgueMfLSwXEomRncLAQ==


f295 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 5.129288469494805; Max. 1000.0; Valid 74923.0; StDev 15.275450290411484; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:W/Kyz5EcxGUdJ0UpOUcuSQ==


f295 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 0.8946773353979781; Max. 500.0; StDev 6.735367596456267; Valid 74923.0; Min. -9.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:LLw3+iMf2CWp22zhyqTBuQ==


f295 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 207.0; Mean 0.965868558386438; StDev 4.42841295511284; Min. -9.0; Valid 74923.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:OZK/8J0IQiNmcd9xpyTfxQ==


f295 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean -0.20403614377445153; Min. -9.0; Max. 90.0; StDev 3.604540342279376; Valid 74923.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:fH/avGE0m0a8cnvKeDGC2g==


f295 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 74923.0; StDev 4.260281930576505; Min. -9.0; Mean -0.32086275242605156; Max. 530.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:y1zOUCfhw4utk3rfh+FNxQ==


f295 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Mean 0.433178062810887; Max. 228.0; Valid 74923.0; StDev 4.832144418798961

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:SrUJ9fP0fktj7qXb1o8rRQ==


f295 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Max. 990.0; StDev 13.751205872747944; Valid 74923.0; Mean 4.76710756376626

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:3/9szU0boVm1Qjf5Zd5wEQ==


f295 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Valid 74923.0; Mean 102729.65427619449; Max. 9000000.0; StDev 473656.9623237534;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:Y86HqrctVvQ2Soh6qSL7PQ==


f295 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 8.4E7; StDev 1907885.9653368327; Valid 74923.0; Mean 355388.0603481474; Min. -9.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:QdgkLJfh52Be6dm5By2iyQ==


f304 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:vuYc8ocUuqlDier3ttzwJA==


f304 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:9vLEIqSyB7LbhbqIEUu43A==


f304 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:VC7TEPSQIc4rGRgDodaJWw==


f304 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 2.463983416825018; Valid 28945.0; Max. 4.0; StDev 1.0873395548906486; Min. 1.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:208F2AMbsXRKvjE3BQ5jRQ==


f304 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 19.0; Valid 28945.0; Min. 1.0; Mean 5.424874762480521; StDev 3.62414516984283

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:ZNwWZG9d6U5SYboukTPO+Q==


f304 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Valid 28945.0; StDev 678.3969260670842; Mean 78.91048303936165; Max. 60000.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:wI0qduNiPwhDnRVk+0lEbw==


f304 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 2006.0; Min. -9.0; Valid 28945.0; Mean 98.96634997408441; StDev 106.12532994491512

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:cJ1hmsr2yqMqO1/TVWCkUg==


f304 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 37.49266850929337; Valid 28945.0; StDev 104.53929084006914; Max. 5000.0; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:iEcW733pJHCw6HQmmUVbzg==


f304 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 667.3792221617829; Mean 41.41270138447609; Min. -9.0; Max. 60000.0; Valid 28945.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:tiUUfAq8/zIoChZZi4YBBA==


f304 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 135226.61591376024; Max. 6000000.0; Valid 28945.0; Min. -9.0; Mean 15672.7224090099

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:T5FLfnzfgqol+bmAJlKsoA==


f304 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 4.0923E7; StDev 624044.4399328617; Mean 80884.80978771034; Min. 0.100000001490116; Valid 28945.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:/ZjkIuKGWapWiOyFCwJZlw==


f304 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 5.0; Min. 0.0; StDev 0.10518158385945216; Mean 0.00521679046467483; Valid 28945.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:qIhMgri3lztL5rfzGrddYQ==


f291 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:JzTRzyRMfovYQYuEUwxZjQ==


f291 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:be+cf0cDCaEDHOc7tgG5Cw==


f291 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:3C+jlqRlWs3wo2ExBsy5DA==


f291 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 1.10356771002711; Mean 2.4549748251125183; Valid 22443.0; Min. 1.0; Max. 4.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:zqSXgbZVpxcfuGVvydlONQ==


f291 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 9002.0; Mean 32.63204562669897; StDev 508.92402295994214; Min. 1.0; Valid 22443.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:dafUmM/FkPzjPgW21T6QkA==


f291 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 61.38723179590426; Min. -9.0; StDev 284.4084519307126; Max. 9000.0; Valid 22443.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:9f4up1vJWrbHK/iZBYTjTw==


f291 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 32.70823864902198; Max. 315.0; Valid 22443.0; Min. -9.0; StDev 54.76429695969841

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:MUX9KszfZN8MiMdCfPZhpQ==


f291 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; StDev 59741.561854401516; Max. 6000000.0; Mean 3725.611384371096; Valid 22443.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:UCe84wtZukHqe2aAdxvnNQ==


f291 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 22443.0; Min. 0.100000001490116; Max. 1.344E7; StDev 231157.9234350136; Mean 42212.80482343535

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:RXTJbf+Pl3CCMavRW8Q3WQ==


f291 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 0.008243104754264504; Min. 0.0; Valid 22443.0; Max. 4.0; StDev 0.10957928993826567

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:a/ULFuHJC1t7WQsUcI27cg==


f306 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:yObAPKWPqo22j2njZePYHw==


f306 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:smRWRVmVDlfce3AdSsNI/g==


f306 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:M7fWqnLOb3d5ef8qHRN8+w==


f306 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 4.0; Mean 2.4657294126064198; Min. 1.0; StDev 1.1111721585285486; Valid 27954.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:pSEIXZNGmYEsPfCevgpVnw==


f306 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 27954.0; Max. 199.0; Min. -9.0; Mean 57.777098089719146; StDev 37.65407779482515;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:mPKEa/QiooLQetByPD5VAA==


f306 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; StDev 100.82902272379752; Max. 373.0; Valid 27954.0; Mean 196.68594834370336;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:x2HjVCnMaLl2uUH9kcPNGg==


f306 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; StDev 33.00139294172278; Max. 100.0; Mean 58.830185304428674; Valid 27954.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:HLQHAPeOww4mpsDxpLxTRw==


f296 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:rKnvvwF0i1ORi2vcnRFAYw==


f296 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:QX0mPjhatpvw4xyJmCWXJQ==


f296 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:Wct0H7RUbCaAAQZuaImgOg==


f296 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 4.0; StDev 1.1160284725016412; Mean 2.467721862335253; Min. 1.0; Valid 31337.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:7yAxz1iWEwiegPgXuSqZFw==


f296 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 0.37475922220481217; Max. 1.0; Mean 0.8309985001755138; Valid 31337.0; Min. 0.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:yHPZ78hVz5M/SNuOLp29NA==


f296 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 0.49902400142387265; Max. 1.0; Valid 31337.0; Min. 0.0; Mean 0.46864728595589017;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:y7rJPSFoyzqC62zAjkOyYQ==


f296 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 0.41650445160674854; Max. 1.0; Min. 0.0; Valid 31337.0; StDev 0.4929870677482998

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:tOjW8s13s7fP3TD3N8FVBA==


f296 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 0.0; Valid 31337.0; Max. 1.0; Mean 0.5350863196860317; StDev 0.4987753892584045;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p8NsXyVkKLEhburp6nHnPQ==


f285 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:VowsVqratxINGHjAwCmHaQ==


f285 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:tivYvWcbq2FkZTmDSQBIzQ==


f285 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:Vm0YVXS5i424SZeXCSChDg==


f285 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; Valid 15355.0; Max. 4.0; StDev 1.0813697510009948; Mean 2.512471507652236;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:Ty7qIIRE5KhZ8DgWtEfSdA==


f285 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 5.384695538912253; Min. 0.0; Max. 44.0; StDev 7.888818911431033; Valid 15355.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:gfgcjIY/SlP8I06VEs3e6Q==


f285 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 0.0; Max. 1.0E8; Mean 99471.55598828613; Valid 15355.0; StDev 1159864.1829079087;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:wNX9nWgM3BKDAdcld5N06g==


f292 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:rKnvvwF0i1ORi2vcnRFAYw==


f292 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:lXXV21u14/Rhr7hXDIMRzQ==


f292 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:Wct0H7RUbCaAAQZuaImgOg==


f292 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 1.1160284725016412; Max. 4.0; Mean 2.467721862335253; Min. 1.0; Valid 31337.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:aIu0Fl8eLjbNfFcgafXkFA==


f292 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 31337.0; Min. 0.0; StDev 0.48966458540353247; Mean 0.3988256693365603; Max. 1.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:ttWjvqFSC672ydAfi8Acsg==


f318 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:9V+04IOTwinNpYphaAiEMA==


f318 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:bGxp7H6PLJI24LSdkGa6RQ==


f318 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 1946.254491017964; StDev 344.0198217291148; Min. -9.0; Valid 334.0; Max. 2009.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:YiTxLL2Sq7Om4pZt7qE9ew==


f318 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 334.0; Min. -9.0; Max. 12.0; Mean 7.203592814371259; StDev 4.643493199624957;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:4/htlYbmdAedc/NqjFcNpQ==


f318 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 334.0; Min. -9.0; Mean 13.835329341317367; StDev 9.139549261425275; Max. 31.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:ZIpByuTRvogBa4/h45uWtQ==


f318 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 187.2485029940118; StDev 2348.5680848491356; Max. 30401.0; Min. -9.0; Valid 334.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:1sptl94DN1ZgX4wGZWJbSg==


f318 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Valid 334.0; Mean 1922.1437125748505; StDev 404.47485362207874; Max. 2009.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:o28QTAb5/wfhyu3AsNDxuA==


f318 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 4.9102837326815685; Valid 334.0; Max. 12.0; Mean 6.985029940119754; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:F3zvb2Db4aPZDqC0sJll9Q==


f318 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 9.238044718051961; Mean 13.380239520958087; Valid 334.0; Min. -9.0; Max. 31.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:URAmP2K+Sn+bSGp67gyTpg==


f318 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 186.9401197604789; Valid 334.0; Max. 30401.0; StDev 2348.5925801455433; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:5w+El/3rmq1dU7DehImoiA==


f318 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 2009.0; Min. -9.0; Valid 334.0; Mean 1705.0508982035929; StDev 719.9431328366917

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:Au766ZRF1okYLzTTt6PHYg==


f318 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 12.0; Valid 334.0; Mean 4.934131736526945; StDev 6.574258404427001; Min. -9.0;

Variable Format: numeric



f318 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 31.0; Min. -9.0; StDev 10.97339812294114; Valid 334.0; Mean 11.194610778443108;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:2Q447Sh5QwbS7YZCGtQ2fQ==


f318 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 184.81736526946153; Max. 30401.0; StDev 2348.7585001591615; Valid 334.0; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:EPbQYFnOB3EZ4O5BMKy7Gw==


f318 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 334.0; Mean 2007.817365269461; StDev 1.0903057419468674; Min. 2005.0; Max. 2010.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:g9eTiJq8RxW40NRlnSlbVw==


f318 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; Max. 12.0; StDev 3.828037674228086; Valid 334.0; Mean 7.098802395209582

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:7AWBO2E1SStDYyTkPP01lw==


f318 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; Max. 31.0; Valid 334.0; Mean 14.721556886227544; StDev 8.753738762013127

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:zBNDJ3YXF/DaAm1qe7SisA==


f318 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 188.69461077844298; Min. 1.0; Max. 30401.0; StDev 2348.455709348099; Valid 334.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:W+sJ7IxsLEIDIVRaHgAoYg==


f361 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:FdFGGfTnbuWo6OORbSAHtQ==


f361 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:11YTZM3Ke5/JTiEYa4vu8w==


f361 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 1540.422155688623; Valid 334.0; Max. 2006.0; Min. -9.0; StDev 775.2411723479651;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:i7pcQvP+HwjLEGGk1yMyhw==


f361 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 1432.2021414929015; Valid 334.0; Max. 9132.0; Mean 877.2485029940102; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:/VJK2D+CFY2cLtlehSsL8A==


f361 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 334.0; StDev 222.58326497913296; Mean 147.43712574850278; Max. 1522.0; Min. -9.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:C5DlyAp/ypdDIct+qWDU1Q==


f361 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; StDev 930.2536650631372; Mean 558.0389221556874; Valid 334.0; Max. 6581.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:f1VtB0RlQCtSJwZGMgtRJA==


f361 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 1507.0; StDev 153.88345943002457; Valid 334.0; Mean 88.70359281437118; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:eD1NW2vspp1sdY16SMUvBQ==


f361 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 109.14371257485; Valid 334.0; Min. -9.0; StDev 258.9871998286098; Max. 1700.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:3cIuK+BEQ6oOn88arrmuCQ==


f361 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 153.61789858981405; Valid 334.0; Min. -9.0; Max. 2000.0; Mean 50.33832335329351

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:mHrsBA+pXbFL44V9QZGoSA==


f361 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 30.0; Valid 334.0; StDev 5.264662834274466; Min. -9.0; Mean 2.916167664670668;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:i9fYwDxHb1kMgE3HzcxARg==


f363 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:FdFGGfTnbuWo6OORbSAHtQ==


f363 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:11YTZM3Ke5/JTiEYa4vu8w==


f363 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 89.0130609833436; Min. -9.0; Mean 34.95209580838323; Valid 334.0; Max. 840.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:GdYZvrHAPs6Z713785Z+0Q==


f363 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; StDev 77.94642481953976; Valid 334.0; Max. 775.0; Mean 26.39520958083831;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:QiHIwcBx/U441ljrT3FpqA==


f363 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 27.48502994011981; StDev 126.71354544028483; Min. -9.0; Max. 2000.0; Valid 334.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:yWcQ4ZOZSUZbFh0+ZsxM2A==


f363 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 1.0; Min. -9.0; Mean 0.12574850299401105; Valid 334.0; StDev 1.6771907039093823

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:+cbZPJIqgFBfRscHuhNp8Q==


f363 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 1.6364911405056648; Valid 334.0; Max. 1.0; Min. -9.0; Mean -0.023952095808383443;

Variable Format: numeric



f363 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Valid 334.0; StDev 1.7143709663679239; Mean 0.3802395209580831; Max. 1.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:S1nLDT/t87zE1p1CqWQAhA==


f363 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 100.0; Valid 334.0; Mean -0.8834210299401227; StDev 12.536956222826618; Min. -9.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:8AN4raD6Lam0cZRm32TJ4A==


f363 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean -0.05988023952095855; StDev 1.6245141525578086; Min. -9.0; Max. 1.0; Valid 334.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:QgYs5utScjpNm/PW2xOLUA==


f363 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 9.916467065868245; StDev 39.9770789970772; Min. -9.0; Max. 200.0; Valid 334.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:Qgyp6Se9IGnG31wFYgGx6A==


f363 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; StDev 28.181455698045298; Valid 334.0; Max. 240.0; Mean 25.923718204041453

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:f+Xi5mybLsqqaoS1kBeoVQ==


f363 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 1080.0; Valid 334.0; StDev 119.35347513782953; Mean 93.98502994011983; Min. -9.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:UEHI5Lr0XZFPLERk6ca0WQ==


f363 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 19.0; Min. -9.0; Mean 4.341317365269463; Valid 334.0; StDev 4.639266348608493

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:STjPil2sD0YfhoxXsdSgEg==


f363 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 20.569915122235415; Min. -9.0; Max. 243.0; StDev 27.467322381836876; Valid 334.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:O35l7TXyC3kzAXsoFhKMUQ==


f363 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 91.42814371257492; Valid 334.0; Max. 1080.0; StDev 115.28564570862125; Min. -9.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:+yW0RvxkKbZK3ErzSZHBsw==


f363 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 4.482028513693499; Valid 334.0; Max. 19.0; Min. -9.0; Mean 3.502994011976047

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:0VVIPOn/EH9sbqNTuPVwNA==


f363 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; StDev 24.056896601609704; Valid 334.0; Max. 160.0; Mean 16.838379210692086;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:JRrx/gxrVMtSVKCIcr+n2w==


f363 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Valid 334.0; Max. 1080.0; Mean 80.6646706586827; StDev 104.90934801361593;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:4hPnN70b4z/dzwjsaC1ZTQ==


f363 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 19.0; StDev 4.74178041324938; Valid 334.0; Mean 3.1047904191616786; Min. -9.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:N3sF0n2r6YdtzldqfPtssw==


f363 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Valid 334.0; StDev 21.240726405411536; Mean 13.855155328500596; Max. 160.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:LHF7K1iPdk4z+guNA8iGyQ==


f363 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 68.60179640718562; Valid 334.0; Min. -9.0; StDev 80.4087164332631; Max. 480.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:il1dSzjU8u2Go7v8u3lxEA==


f363 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 19.0; Mean 2.1856287425149703; StDev 5.180377337921963; Valid 334.0; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:dLw8r1kFx3e8daUar7VrMA==


f362 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:+kgrxVTZeX/okYhDc5kKxQ==


f362 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:D/kaczZ4h3BZ1PU5zKW1NA==


f362 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Max. 14.0; Mean 6.85506493506493; StDev 4.424614758056999; Valid 1925.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:8JoRbBV+5j2l8UVRaACgfw==


f362 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Mean 1075.3508976290882; Valid 1925.0; Max. 125000.0; StDev 5644.2689718977335;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:/0xxYKZ99VNBLK+64zDr/A==


f362 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 4681.896223869579; Valid 1925.0; Min. -9.0; Mean 347.1134312673119; Max. 125000.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:2z+lBKVuY50wjGUow8Kzsg==


f362 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Mean 504.20435896167703; StDev 3035.9650877686963; Valid 1925.0; Max. 58000.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:l8s/rIGtjcNRpYKIa6uJ9Q==


f362 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 207.19144540551625; StDev 1030.9479925062174; Min. -9.0; Valid 1925.0; Max. 20000.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:H8QX4iGoDwCUGsfHwiwoYQ==


f362 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 1925.0; StDev 94.905283826166; Min. -9.0; Mean 5.481880519480443; Max. 2624.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:z4O5EE+Y4seskOpIfbVtUA==


f310 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:CgqtpwGmD8luTINcEnh2bw==


f310 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:6wQhVCKW01RBpeAxd8M0rQ==


f310 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Mean 15.548387096774198; Valid 620.0; Max. 30.0; StDev 8.771332029333674

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:pCJs95wRMITQXZKKIOM8ug==


f310 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 363.0; Mean 196.14354838709676; Min. -9.0; StDev 91.87685992484911; Valid 620.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:9UP+o3VoF1dLQ0C3VcZTGg==


f310 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Valid 620.0; Mean 3514.5957419354654; StDev 15131.783739237933; Max. 125000.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:FpleNZojUTtm3fm5sAQDhQ==


f310 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 2.1674032081826335; Valid 620.0; Mean 2.775806451612901; Min. -9.0; Max. 9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:kUulBAU0AljOsMiNWQYf5g==


f310 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 620.0; StDev 6.029169804366687; Mean -1.2000000000000064; Min. -9.0; Max. 8.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:VXYyhy0e60LTvlMGu8Ys1w==


f310 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 620.0; StDev 5.692045542570805; Mean -4.830645161290329; Min. -9.0; Max. 9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:t2y3ST+ib90vLLpWnw/AwA==


f310 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 173.57087651448384; Min. -9.0; Max. 907.0; Mean 57.916129032258006; Valid 620.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:xNq56PMJADf++i5k/tKnLg==


f310 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Valid 620.0; Mean 59.7048387096774; Max. 910.0; StDev 172.57456998628496;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:9Kg91vlTxv4rMnmQgrTlEA==


f310 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 146.27895725909295; Max. 888.0; Valid 620.0; Mean 40.44516129032263; Min. -9.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:MNozanbd1+mSnN9kdIMa2g==


f309 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:FQ0l404KSlRzn7NfLczPNQ==


f309 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:Vjxzxv2kTjsS0CZ7HUfsNw==


f309 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; StDev 2.2128792210058608; Valid 1003.0; Mean 3.1904287138584255; Max. 9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:NkkqDQe82hzoEroHV7DyTQ==


f309 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Max. 2.0; Valid 1003.0; StDev 1.5862377351259143; Mean 0.7816550348953135

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:Fpg0qkQY0lSppIQ5F4aZZQ==


f364 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:FdFGGfTnbuWo6OORbSAHtQ==


f364 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:11YTZM3Ke5/JTiEYa4vu8w==


f364 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 0.39221556886227527; StDev 1.8661033259335165; Min. -9.0; Max. 1.0; Valid 334.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:8nPtL45bfUQuVKLtPcN4cA==


f364 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 0.6766467065868255; Valid 334.0; StDev 1.7094313933652678; Max. 1.0; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p3hqxwSMNJbrkLOpFNXsIg==


f311 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:9J5RmUpFKItRkKI3oInTiA==


f311 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:WzaALQ7lfMR/PrKGoarMYg==


f311 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 6.0; StDev 1.9312052718332162; Valid 1285.0; Min. -9.0; Mean 2.8910505836575875

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:wOQPIdp61ttHVJhsV819Eg==


f311 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 279.76846273147066; Valid 1285.0; Min. -9.0; Max. 1408.0; Mean 153.34474708171226;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:IENMMUBJd6xzH+TziTY0Wg==


f311 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 2.154121126313472; Max. 3.0; Valid 1285.0; Mean 1.139299610894937; Min. -9.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:tn327E6JGQz5huU3Vo6tGA==


f311 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Valid 1285.0; StDev 6.19871010239915; Max. 15.0; Mean -1.1883268482490137

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:J+wYZlHltzuWkom/ZVolEg==


f311 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Max. 16.0; Valid 1285.0; Mean -2.403112840466897; StDev 6.295747684017246

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:TfzxyBXnK6EhToEjPr9f0w==


f311 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Valid 1285.0; Mean -4.629571984435819; Max. 15.0; StDev 5.825050389831321

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:HDlE1E7x6ocREXKhoYoAaQ==


f311 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; StDev 4.957174195933032; Mean -6.04435797665369; Max. 12.0; Valid 1285.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:RFnzBMK/Q5p+mZL2/tf4pQ==


f311 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 3.567846967427425; Min. -9.0; Mean -7.014785992217898; Valid 1285.0; Max. 10.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:EQI8jKde6RipZoGZNKPgQQ==


f311 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 1285.0; Min. -9.0; Mean -7.684046692607005; Max. 9.0; StDev 2.1201677616127523

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:P9mz30PU3oiiTMKX+89ZWQ==


f311 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 1.0785992217899267; Valid 1285.0; Min. -9.0; Max. 9.0; StDev 5.433043406150389

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:gWkNdxqXiOO1NADUojcyHg==


f311 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; StDev 5.957390797091981; Valid 1285.0; Max. 9.0; Mean -1.4482490272373554;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:Zq+PR7ejuoBAP/gD7Qk+Jg==


f311 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Mean -4.880933852140085; StDev 5.49105637030075; Max. 9.0; Valid 1285.0

Variable Format: numeric



f319 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:FdFGGfTnbuWo6OORbSAHtQ==


f319 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:11YTZM3Ke5/JTiEYa4vu8w==


f319 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 0.9940119760479041; StDev 0.07726604621815227; Min. 0.0; Valid 334.0; Max. 1.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:2Ev/Z25B6D4Ku0NNxZ81Yw==


f316 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:FNCQTb/KQBh07UeHG4kQXg==


f316 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:/Sisnq856qX5D3l8ns+mOw==


f316 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 2.6542882404951387; Max. 6.0; Valid 1131.0; StDev 2.535731676369355; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:xK0h/tVWIP46UsPhszc+lA==


f316 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 1408.0; Mean 157.11936339522575; Valid 1131.0; StDev 286.33892116715316; Min. -9.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:SG9HffO8T12GwFgA3TYlow==


f316 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 211.0; Min. -9.0; Mean 19.867374005305063; StDev 25.4992990724558; Valid 1131.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:UOSD9VYLzqvbY5+0GoGTyg==


f316 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 95.86818549246095; Valid 1131.0; Min. -9.0; Max. 363.0; Mean 197.93457117595042;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:WZfPkFGLULspjVeAbraPOg==


f316 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 1.1938323644220832; Valid 1131.0; Mean 0.3801945181255539; Min. -9.0; Max. 2.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:YNFb5ZvKswdUTBOLBnf8ew==


f316 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 1131.0; Max. 9.0; Mean -4.905393457117597; StDev 4.723212973853932; Min. -9.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:Ae1BkU00393A2MaUup+1Xw==


f316 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 1.6484189991467815; Max. 2.0; Mean 0.5950486295313862; Valid 1131.0; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:U12b+lGpapvWfMrOBDEhFQ==


f316 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean -3.2475685234306035; Min. -9.0; StDev 4.848745920652439; Max. 9.0; Valid 1131.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:PijB5ZAOKapgLPnLJc7zPA==


f316 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 1131.0; Max. 2.0; Mean 0.36604774535809154; Min. -9.0; StDev 1.409341851487971

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:8xE9tuncc69dkMvpeTqxkA==


f316 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 4.077210921344463; Max. 1.0; Valid 1131.0; Mean -5.171529619805481; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:pmADIa2ImO/4+xF3GfPDeA==


f316 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean -4.472148541114064; Valid 1131.0; Min. -9.0; Max. 9.0; StDev 5.168991332686224

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:Tk7PzUG+PjvkiG+X1c3ciw==


f308 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:FdFGGfTnbuWo6OORbSAHtQ==


f308 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:11YTZM3Ke5/JTiEYa4vu8w==


f308 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 0.970059880239521; Valid 334.0; Max. 1.0; Min. 0.0; StDev 0.17067784664249888

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:yNtTbx0zCX4znM60IxNk5Q==


f315 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:GF0RvHiI+/zNoCsaAyK2ig==


f315 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:lejwFmqP1Fv6ODE690sMuQ==


f315 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 1.126168224299066; Min. -9.0; StDev 2.826429139477574; Valid 214.0; Max. 12.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:ZMOGkqtHUjLT161yhIG0yg==


f315 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 513.8634977182348; Min. -9.0; Mean 1858.0233644859811; Valid 214.0; Max. 2006.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:i88vWwXAGbTQ94Xkq+vIKw==


f315 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 214.0; StDev 2.8032619196567885; Min. -9.0; Mean 1.5887850467289717; Max. 9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:na3dx34ueyRmufbFfLJnXQ==


f315 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Max. 3.0; Mean 1.3925233644859811; StDev 2.762107820510927; Valid 214.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:RqoC5Zdu1IK57AWbAdPVpw==


f315 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Valid 214.0; Mean 49.883177570093395; StDev 153.09541778160508; Max. 706.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:RMiNR+pXynBiMG2O0zWbSg==


f315 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 41.65420560747663; Min. -9.0; Valid 214.0; Max. 500.0; StDev 71.42258066730845

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:Z8nOjzmhmaucUMw2rv26ug==


f315 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 214.0; Min. -9.0; StDev 15.198861696429253; Mean 12.579439252336453; Max. 52.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:Wsnq0o3jq41U58ee9eQgvw==


f315 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Max. 1.0; StDev 2.183022513221014; Valid 214.0; Mean 0.13551401869158788

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:QzlH+MQ2JcLvbZAHJM7esA==


f315 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 0.27102803738317893; StDev 2.2014510513760186; Valid 214.0; Max. 1.0; Min. -9.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:tSBZtVvkfFVgg3wDYVT0XQ==


f315 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 2.2009577055545906; Mean 0.2663551401869151; Max. 1.0; Valid 214.0; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:sJlzpL93o5PyoXIdYrwgVw==


f315 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 2.183801217676576; Min. -9.0; Max. 1.0; Mean 0.14018691588784918; Valid 214.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:fZLmKR6TAwTnHM8MDwTrOg==


f315 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 0.14953271028037382; StDev 2.185327677399995; Max. 1.0; Valid 214.0; Min. -9.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:dYG7e5+eQXmhP1j1aObHOw==


f315 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 2.171954981763295; Mean 0.07476635514018859; Max. 1.0; Valid 214.0; Min. -9.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:JcSkjg5fxl2xrhWt6oqRvA==


f315 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Valid 214.0; Mean -5.186915887850471; StDev 5.069712775561812; Max. 10.0

Variable Format: numeric



f315 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 2.0; Min. -9.0; Valid 214.0; StDev 4.265969925780172; Mean -3.2710280373831764

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:W12E46amuzUTHm9PfeJOUg==


f315 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 214.0; Max. 1.0; Mean -0.0747663551401884; StDev 2.1370900077026125; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:kdAfbIeA7n0Yi5vBm1eCfg==


f315 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; StDev 2.14326609986539; Mean -0.05140186915887734; Max. 1.0; Valid 214.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:GS6PZyY8HTeVAPXxYfsOvQ==


f315 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean -4.387850467289717; StDev 4.427193184092167; Valid 214.0; Max. 1.0; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:moXV9kvZOq5nMYbdK+PEqw==


f315 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean -4.621495327102802; Valid 214.0; StDev 4.997812254473346; Min. -9.0; Max. 9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:qte8zZdjUWDdtn0rVIxDUw==


f315 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 214.0; StDev 4.904180363521872; Min. -9.0; Max. 3.0; Mean -4.299065420560745

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:q8z7AKvvFkjQ7WwDZ/KxGg==


f315 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 214.0; Mean 1.8504672897196257; StDev 3.2897728514926383; Max. 5.0; Min. -9.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:0G9NCKX/aj5djW40f6O8jQ==


f314 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:FdFGGfTnbuWo6OORbSAHtQ==


f314 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:11YTZM3Ke5/JTiEYa4vu8w==


f314 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 12.0; Mean 0.39820359281437184; Valid 334.0; Min. -9.0; StDev 1.9436806993763636

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:hZRhOlMtejLHtn+B3iaLxQ==


f313 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:hfopWjwan18T9isQ4lLxJg==


f313 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:Yh5sPMH8g6tpsbaxzsJJig==


f313 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 329.0; Max. 2010.0; Mean 1811.2978723404256; Min. -9.0; StDev 598.1863768837964

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:DulQ8muubBbBmxmZ7UyZfQ==


f313 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 329.0; Max. 12.0; Mean 6.811550151975683; Min. -9.0; StDev 5.578245011361178

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:7V55x4M9vehR+NoGtZPaJw==


f313 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 329.0; Min. -9.0; Mean 12.796352583586625; Max. 31.0; StDev 10.266473321480548;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:h+3TnxKmp+YYDm8+YwBMlQ==


f313 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Mean 188.401215805471; Valid 329.0; StDev 2366.420669208467; Max. 30401.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:Ljb5U7K92Qf9KnYfBA2hAA==


f313 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 572.3496070163667; Mean 1829.72340425532; Min. -9.0; Max. 2010.0; Valid 329.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:jH04ksjpb9LwDqDnVxB3og==


f313 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 7.176291793313072; Min. -9.0; Max. 12.0; Valid 329.0; StDev 5.463229377544956

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:mQHl4wXc+crG6CkiL9iuyg==


f313 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 329.0; Min. -9.0; Mean 12.97872340425531; StDev 10.062131839020124; Max. 31.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:CzKwZcCnIHIb4SFCA5NeKw==


f313 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 189.55927051671725; Max. 30401.0; StDev 2366.3312959339714; Min. -9.0; Valid 329.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:/8PQAoHlwoRIXI67B5lo5Q==


f313 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 329.0; Min. -9.0; Max. 2010.0; Mean 1603.04255319149; StDev 808.3568688716621

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:fwZBbgILT/NQTtzA9LLQgw==


f313 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 12.0; StDev 7.233371932127384; Mean 5.620060790273557; Min. -9.0; Valid 329.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:0lUJHVaX1uRh/ekI8llbpw==


f313 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 11.889112233270703; Mean 10.31610942249241; Max. 31.0; Min. -9.0; Valid 329.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:HEASfthkrA4IlTq+CWjexA==


f313 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 187.5015197568393; StDev 2366.493125739968; Max. 30401.0; Valid 329.0; Min. -9.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:xabcqLVg7Oiw+gqTOYL0/w==


f313 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 2010.0; Mean 1946.556231003039; Min. -9.0; Valid 329.0; StDev 346.76683145235876;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:sLEH6F9Ap+EYjCrBOpEDcA==


f313 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 329.0; Min. -9.0; StDev 4.66450611724484; Max. 12.0; Mean 8.346504559270516;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:4yg+z5/ynDhRb1PxAlsVJQ==


f313 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 329.0; StDev 9.157318147079053; Max. 30.0; Mean 17.270516717325233; Min. -9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:ZUatHC604rj1q5zwDV0dNw==


f313 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 329.0; Max. 30401.0; StDev 2366.1664661579644; Min. -9.0; Mean 191.6717325227971;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:uJeVdVFYe9KEJMzh/G1SAg==


f313 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 563.5711254363363; StDev 845.7592427913611; Min. -9.0; Max. 4000.0; Valid 329.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:0SCzJJ0z8EYErDoz49buaA==


f313 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Max. 5.0; Mean 1.4498480243161078; Valid 329.0; StDev 4.059550051812932

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:oGuoVzkxJUPFwYoIcg+izw==


f313 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 22072.316109422503; Min. 10101.0; StDev 8820.578831582452; Valid 329.0; Max. 31101.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:YxQ2l+WKXQ2/B/HP42GX6A==


f312 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:hsABQVRZVxsfhG8tiXi2PQ==


f312 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:7wl57GU5F1VYxbhbqgwe5g==


f312 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 329.0; StDev 1.7301558018065137; Max. 1.0; Min. -9.0; Mean 0.5349544072948325

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:ey3mVdwDt1DNkTHbU/P5yw==


f312 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. -9.0; Valid 329.0; Max. 100000.0; Mean 3631.586626139817; StDev 12674.60610416254

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:U47dWPuf+gJXhEqoYAMAvA==


f312 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 100000.0; Valid 329.0; StDev 9908.198978452554; Min. -9.0; Mean 2695.5972644376843

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:J2c14aaGm3yaGfrQyr4Tww==


f312 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 329.0; StDev 9104.73851997622; Max. 70000.0; Min. -9.0; Mean 2656.519756838902

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:CfRDuee9EY5crPQ8tAX7+A==


f312 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 2055.331306990884; Max. 60000.0; Valid 329.0; StDev 7072.403169548875; Min. -9.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:DRJSglv73jZLxhe7xKaMRQ==


f312 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 2361.686930091191; Max. 163500.0; Min. -9.0; StDev 17703.17639084774; Valid 329.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:k0OUrbaDrs7uMN7QvT6G9g==


f312 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 1332.9756459093717; Min. -9.0; Valid 329.0; Mean 477.6216286640262; Max. 8000.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:KKJtO07kP52ou4yP6a0x4A==


f312 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 329.0; Mean 406.8922061729824; Max. 8500.0; Min. -9.0; StDev 1288.0170344913547;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:kN1oGXtFV3zGYuZRu5HSkw==


f312 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 2.299293547337411E7; Max. 3.5E8; Min. -9.0; Mean 3194289.7890333743; Valid 329.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:Elec3VX9CwTPzOysky4C4w==


f307 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:THf09Yhq2osIideKHhAXDA==


f307 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:/ml9/stO+4buM5uMOdrX3g==


f307 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 813.0; Max. 14.0; Min. -9.0; Mean 4.527675276752767; StDev 3.26547609408275

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:FBitEhFgL2j1ad0DEVpmiQ==


f307 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 0.8769987699876995; Max. 2.0; Min. -9.0; StDev 1.2641805875270502; Valid 813.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:somQYlcWGNuEkDsg71bu0Q==


f317 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:g6Tv9RUNWCtjf1Lf1+ZjPw==


f317 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:Xbw2tGwI7MeQViacOoBb7A==


f317 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 5.474572401791411; Min. -9.0; Mean 3.1979166666666647; Valid 96.0; Max. 9.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:rTaEsUB7wDP/jimDKpuz1Q==


f317 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 9049052.619475393; Valid 96.0; Min. -9.0; Mean 1746557.2395833323; Max. 8.5E7

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:TJsezVTgbV7IWErOPhEQKw==


f320 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:hsABQVRZVxsfhG8tiXi2PQ==


f320 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:7wl57GU5F1VYxbhbqgwe5g==


f320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 3.0; StDev 1.92195662435977; Min. -9.0; Valid 329.0; Mean 0.30395136778115606;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:vVwVGfwLeS9ElYZRVl0yGQ==


f320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 0.08206686930091261; Valid 329.0; Min. -9.0; StDev 1.6791259654087882; Max. 1.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:l39/rb3Dj3MTsffFxSuADA==

Other Study-Related Materials




The first village survey. List of variables and names. This file provides a list of explanations for the abbreviations used in the datasets from the first annual household survey (A1).



Other Study-Related Materials




The second annual household survey. List of variables and labels. This file provides a list of explanations for the abbreviations used in the datasets from the second annual household survey (A2).



Other Study-Related Materials


PEN codes version 7.7. 11.02.2014.pdf


This file provides a list of all the codes used in the dataset files. It includes codes for yes/no answers, products, forest markets, land categories, forest categories, tenure regimes, modes of transport, types of wage work, units of measurement, household assets, agricultural inputs, livestock, livestock products, livestock inputs and income sources



Other Study-Related Materials


PEN Country codes, Partner codes & names.pdf


This file provides a list of country codes, partner codes and names.



Other Study-Related Materials


PEN Data Introduction and Description final.pdf


This file provides a summary of the PEN project, and presents information on the questionnaire, technical guidelines, codes, data quality and data collection methods, and dataset modifications.



Other Study-Related Materials


PEN global Map, 21-6-2013.png


This file presents a map of the 33 data collection sites, and the names of the partners and their institutions at each site.



Other Study-Related Materials


PEN Questionnaire.pdf


This file sets out the contents of the PEN questionnaire used for the project.



Other Study-Related Materials


PEN site locations, province or district level.pdf


List of PEN site location.



Other Study-Related Materials


PEN Technical Guidelines.pdf


This file outlines the technical guidelines followed for PEN data collection.



Other Study-Related Materials




This file provides a list of explanations for the abbreviations used in the datasets from quarterly household surveys.



Other Study-Related Materials




Variable names and labels.



Other Study-Related Materials




The second village survey - list of variables and names. This file provides a list of explanations for the abbreviations used in the datasets from the second village survey (V2).

