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1 to 10 of 81 Results
Sep 10, 2020 - Database of tropical wetlands carbon survey: Soil
Kauffman, J.B.; Bernardino, A.F.; Ferreira, T.O.; Giovannoni, L.R.; de O. Gomes, L.E.; Romero, D.J.; Jimenez, L.C.Z.; Ruiz, F., 2019, "SWAMP Dataset-Mangrove soil carbon-Salina-2017",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V2
The dataset of soil physicochemical properties collected from mangrove forests in Salina, Brazil.
Sep 10, 2020 - Database of tropical wetlands carbon survey: Soil
Kauffman, J.B.; Bernardino, A.F.; Ferreira, T.O.; Giovannoni, L.R.; de O. Gomes, L.E.; Romero, D.J.; Jimenez, L.C.Z.; Ruiz, F., 2019, "SWAMP Dataset-Mangrove soil carbon-Maruipe-2017",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V2
The dataset of soil physicochemical properties collected from mangrove forests in Maruipe, Brazil.
Sep 10, 2020 - Database of tropical wetlands carbon survey: Soil
Kauffman, J.B.; Bernardino, A.F.; Ferreira, T.O.; Giovannoni, L.R.; de O. Gomes, L.E.; Romero, D.J.; Jimenez, L.C.Z.; Ruiz, F., 2019, "SWAMP Dataset-Mangrove soil carbon-Boca Grande-2017",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V2
The dataset of soil physicochemical properties collected from mangrove forests in Boca Grande, Brazil.
Sep 10, 2020 - Database of tropical wetlands carbon survey: Soil
Kauffman, J.B.; Bernardino, A.F.; Ferreira, T.O.; Giovannoni, L.R.; de O. Gomes, L.E.; Romero, D.J.; Jimenez, L.C.Z.; Ruiz, F., 2019, "SWAMP Dataset-Mangrove soil carbon-Furo Grande-2017",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V2
The dataset of soil physicochemical properties collected from mangrove forests in Furo Grande, Brazil.
Sep 10, 2020 - Database of tropical wetlands carbon survey: Soil
Kauffman, J.B.; Bernardino, A.F.; Ferreira, T.O.; Giovannoni, L.R.; de O. Gomes, L.E.; Romero, D.J.; Jimenez, L.C.Z.; Ruiz, F., 2019, "SWAMP Dataset-Mangrove soil carbon-Furo do Chato-2017",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V2
The dataset of soil physicochemical properties collected from mangrove forests in Furo do Chato, Brazil.
Jun 3, 2020
Málaga, N.; Hergoualc'h, K., 2019, "Replication Data for: Variation in vegetation and ecosystem carbon stock due to the conversion of disturbed forest to oil palm plantation in Peruvian Amazonia",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V3
The supporting information contains five databases from inventories in four forest and six oil palm plantation sites. Three of the forest sites were adjacent to young oil palm plantations aged 1, 4 and 7-year-old, nearby the Tupac Amaru Limon village. The fourth forest site was n...
Apr 8, 2020 - Database of tropical wetlands carbon survey: Necromass
Sasmito,S.D.; Silanpää, M.; Hayes, M.A.; Bachri, S.; Saragi-Sasmito, M.F.; Sidik, F.; Hanggara, B.; Mofu, W.Y.; Rumbiak, V.I.; Hendri; Rumbiak, M.I.; Taberima, S.; Suhaemi; Nugroho, J.D.; Pattiasina, T.F.; Widagti, N.; Barakalla; Rahajoe, J.S.; Hartantri, H.; Nikijuluw, V.; Jowey, R.N.; Heatunubun, C.; Ermgassen, P.z.; Worthington, T.A.; Howard, J.; Lovelock, C.E.; Friess, D.A.; Hutley, L.B.; Murdiyarso, D., 2019, "SWAMP Dataset-Mangrove necromass-West Papua-2019",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V2
The dataset of dead and downed wood debris biomass collected from mangrove forests in West Papua region, Indonesia.
Apr 8, 2020 - Database of tropical wetlands carbon survey: Vegetation
Sasmito, S.D.; Silanpää, M.; Hayes, M.A.; Bachri, S.; Saragi-Sasmito, M.F.; Sidik, F.; Hanggara, B.; Mofu, W.Y.; Rumbiak, V.I.; Hendri; Rumbiak, M.I.; Taberima, S.; Suhaemi; Nugroho, J.D.; Pattiasina, T.F.; Widagti, N.; Barakalla; Rahajoe, J.S.; Hartantri, H.; Nikijuluw, V.; Jowey, R.N.; Heatunubun, C.; Ermgassen, P.z.; Worthington, T.A.; Howard, J.; Lovelock, C.E.; Friess, D.A.; Hutley, L.B.; Murdiyarso, D., 2019, "SWAMP Dataset-Mangrove biomass vegetation-West Papua-2019",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V2
The dataset of above-belowground biomass of vegetation collected from mangrove forests in West Papua region, Indonesia.
Apr 8, 2020 - Database of tropical wetlands carbon survey: Soil
Sasmito, S.D.; Silanpää, M.; Hayes, M.A.; Bachri, S.; Saragi-Sasmito, M.F.; Sidik, F.; Hanggara, B.; Mofu, W.Y.; Rumbiak, V.I.; Hendri; Rumbiak, M.I.; Taberima, S.; Suhaemi; Nugroho, J.D.; Pattiasina, T.F.; Widagti, N.; Barakalla; Rahajoe, J.S.; Hartantri, H.; Nikijuluw, V.; Jowey, R.N.; Heatunubun, C.; Ermgassen, P.z.; Worthington, T.A.; Howard, J.; Lovelock, C.E.; Friess, D.A.; Hutley, L.B.; Murdiyarso, D., 2019, "SWAMP Dataset-Mangrove soil carbon-West Papua-2019",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V2
The dataset of soil physicochemical properties collected from mangrove forests in West Papua region, Indonesia
Mar 11, 2020 - Database of Vegetation map
Pribadi, U.A.; Setiabudi; Suryadi, I.; Laumonier, Y., 2020, "West Kalimantan Ecological Vegetation Map 1:50 000",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V7
The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) completed extensive research on integrated landscape management and produced large-scale ecological vegetation maps for the whole province of West Kalimantan (GOLS-USAID funded project). These 1:50,000 scale ecological vegeta...
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